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Daily Archives: October 28th, 2008

What it’s all about

Via digby. Okay, I admit it, I’m a softie. But this video illustrates a larger point as well. On the one side, it really is about hope and optimism. On the other side, division and fear. [youtube][/youtube]

Students for Courtney, Take 2

Yesterday I wrote that I was unable to post a video of a new Courtney commercial, because it played automatically when anyone came to this site. Thanks to Lon Seidman it’s now on youtube, and here it is: [youtube][/youtube] Doesn’t it feel good to have a great Democratic Congressman again. Those six years of Simmons […]

Put Joe on Probation

It is becoming increasingly likely that the difference between a filibuster proof Senate and a filibuster susceptible Senate will be Joe Lieberman. This is a consummation devoutly to be wished against. We have to start thinking about this. I submit the following. First, I think Lieberman will resign and join right wing think tank, but […]

Stealing signs

I have been more or less involved in nuts and bolts politics since 1980, when I was a last minute volunteer for Jimmy Carter. My job was to put up signs on election day. Apparently I had a Republican counterpart whose job was to take them down, because, wherever we put them, they were gone […]

A word of warning

via Americablog, from the Obama campaign: [youtube][/youtube]