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Daily Archives: June 29th, 2009

Sotomayor voted a racist, 5 to 4

My mind is boggled. The Supreme Court has overruled a case in which Judge Sotomayor participated, which proves that she is a racist. That, according to Limbaugh, et. al. Much of the media duly repeats that the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Ricci case somehow proves something about her, as a person, a judge, or […]

Yet another book report

I just finished Dean Baker’s Plunder and Blunder, The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy. Baker is one of those economists who saw the bubble coming. He was therefore ignored at the time and continues to be ignored, much like those of us who saw the Iraq debacle coming were ignored then, and are […]

There are aliens among us

I think, perhaps, that I am beginning to understand the fundamentalist fear that gay marriages will somehow destroy their own. A few days ago I pondered Jenny Sanford’s odd declaration that marriage is an enduring love is primarily an act of will. Apparently, this attitude is ingrained in the fundamentalist creed, at least the fundamentalist […]