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Roots in the past

I think I mentioned in a previous post that I’m proofreading my son’s new book, which is about, in part, the national conversation among politicians and intellectuals just before, during, and shortly after the Civil War.

He relates that one strand of thought was to the effect that, after the Civil War, it was necessary to elevate the ex-slaves to full equality not just because it was morally right, but because a failure to do so would allow the South to create an unequal society that would undermine democracy throughout the nation, and possibly lead to another Civil War. The latter hasn’t yet happened, but the former has, and it’s no exaggeration to say that the post-Reconstruction failure of the Nation to impose democratic norms and institutions on the Southern states has had long term negative effects on the nation as a whole, which may very well be bearing its ultimate fruits in the present, for the Southern ethos has now captured (more exactly, recaptured) the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives, if not quite the Senate. It has also captured much of the media (e.g., Fox, Newsmax, et. al.) and internet, which has enabled the infection from the South to spread through large sections of the rest of the country.

The new Speaker of the House is yet another manifestation of this trend. A fascist of the first order. It remains to be seen if the media that is not in the pocket of the right will do its job and expose him, or continue in the both sides tradition. I have to admit that, despite my Good Friday repetitious postings, I sometimes find it difficult to look on the bright side.

Then again, somewhat on the bright side: Happy Halloween!

A New Speaker!

It appears we have a new speaker, who is every bit as loathsome as Jim Jordan. Apparently the GOP “moderates” are fine with voting for a racist insurrectionist as long as everyone isn’t already aware that he’s a racist insurrectionist. We will soon find out if he’s a fan of blowing up the economy, and whether the “moderates” will go along with that, not that they’ll have any choice if he prevents a fix for the ridiculous debt ceiling to come to the floor.

Where do we go from here

Like a lot of other Democrats I’ve gotten a kick out of watching the Republicans flail around trying to pick a successor to the hapless McCarthy. There has probably never been anyone seriously considered for Speaker of the House as unqualified as Gym Jordan in the entire history of this country. He, along with so many of the extreme right contingent that now dominates the Republican Party, is emblematic of what I believe is a Congress bought and paid for by the same type of billionaires that have bought the Supreme Court. A stupid and/or half insane congressman is a feature, not a bug, if the point is to build a Congress full of people who will do the bidding of the rich.

But while it’s been fun, I can’t help wondering where this will lead us in the end. The House hasn’t functioned much since the Republicans regained control in 2022, but, given the way the rules are written, it can’t function at all without a Speaker. Again, that’s a feature, not a bug, to some on the right. But we have the ridiculous debt ceiling issue to face again in a few weeks, and we should have a functioning Congress to deal with the fallout from the war in Israel, to mention only two issues that need some attention.

It’s hard to see how this gets resolved. The total nutcases (Gaetz, Boebert, Greene, et. al., will demand a nutjob, and the “moderates” won’t go along. The “moderates” are between a rock and a hard place. If they okay a Jordan type, they lose the sane vote in their districts, and most of them come from tossup districts or districts Biden won in 2020. If they don’t okay a Jordan type, their MAGA voters may stay home, and those are votes they can’t afford to lose. That assumes, of course, that Trump is in jail by then, but even if he’s the candidate, many of those MAGAs will simply not vote in those races. Oh, for the days, they must be moaning, when we got the nutjob vote by telling them what they want to hear but not giving them what they think they want. The nutcases in Congress, of course, will never vote for a “moderate”.

The only practical solution is for the “moderates” to put up one of their own, and make a deal with the Democrats to modify the rules of Congress to make it easier to get a bill on the floor for a vote. There’s no rational reason why the Speaker should be able to keep critical legislation from being considered. I don’t see this happening because the “moderates” don’t want to further inflame the MAGA base, and the Democrats have learned that you can’t trust Republicans, so any promises made are worthless.

We’ll see.

There’s something happening here (maybe)

What it is, ain’t exactly clear, but let me go on.

I’m the treasurer for our local town committee, and recently our town chair asked me to prepare spreadsheets to tally the results on election night. She sent me a ballot containing the names of each candidate running for each office. These are local elections, and the offices at issue are Town Council, Board of Education, and Representative Town Meeting (RTM) members.

The ballot confirmed something I had provisionally concluded based on my observations during my daily bike rides around town. The Republican Party was unable to get enough people to run under its banner to come close to filling all the available slots. It’s not unusual for one or two RTM slots to be vacant, but the Republicans didn’t even come close to nominating a full roster of Town Council or Board of Education candidates, not to mention the fact that the number of candidates they’ve fielded for RTM guarantee they will be in the minority even if each one of their candidates is elected. A number of their candidates are clearly placeholders. Their town chair is running for Town Council, Board of Education, and RTM. Even if he’s elected, which I doubt, he can only serve in one of those capacities.

This was no surprise to me because during my bike rides around town I have seen signs (and not that many) for only one Republican candidate, plus a single sign for another Town Council candidate. That particular candidate was a town councilor years ago, and judging by the sign I saw, I suspect that it was a remnant from a campaign years ago. There are signs for Democrats all over town, and I know there are plenty out there because I paid for them.

Prior to the advent of a certain very stable genius, our Town was governed by Republican majorities for most of the thirty or so preceding years, and probably even further back, though I can’t say for sure. It wasn’t unusual to have a Town Council consisting of all Republicans, and it goes without saying they had no trouble finding candidates. Democrats were often represented largely because of minority party requirements on the Board of Education and the RTM.

That changed after the genius took office. Shortly after he arrived the balance of power shifted decisively, and my impression is that many of the old line Republicans either dropped out or were pushed out by the whackos that made their way in.

I’m wondering if this is a phenomenon that is taking place broadly throughout the blue or blueish states, and perhaps in some of the purple ones. The current chaos in Washington can’t be helping things, nor can the Republican insistence that an obvious criminal should be its next candidate for president.

The downside here in Groton is that we have an “Independent” party on the ballot this year, our version of the “No Labels” group, whose candidates consist mostly of the old line Republicans I referenced above, plus at least one Democrat whose motivations I won’t characterize. The signs for them proliferate throughout town, so it would appear that, at least here in Groton, those who once voted Republican are looking for an alternative. The Independents are only running candidates for Town Council, so they aren’t a threat to the Democratic majorities in the other two bodies.

So, it would be interesting to know if this is a common phenomenon on the local level these days. I suspect that it is, but it’s entirely possible this is a more or less isolated event. Still, it’s nice to know that it’s almost guaranteed that the Republicans will be a minority here for a while.

The Bard sums up the situation in Israel

A plague on both your houses!

An oft ranted rant in the liberal blogosphere

You can’t spend much time on the left wing blogosphere without running into a rant like that which follows, but I’m going to do it anyway.

It has become increasingly obvious that Donald Trump’s mental illness has become more extreme, exacerbated, no doubt, by oncoming senility. I have not kept up a database of the many inane acts in which he has engaged, so just for a smattering I went to the Palmer Report and the articles to which it linked, where they have all been documented. Just in the last few days he has bragged about how much Hannibal Lecter liked him, opined that windmills cause whales to beach themselves, proclaimed that he has beaten out Al Capone when it comes to the number of indictments, and danced his way off a stage after lying about his sympathy for the people being killed in Israel. This is just a small sampling of the clear proof that the man is stunningly stupid, mentally ill, senile, or all three.

If you try hard enough, you might see some of this stuff in the pages of the New York Times, but you’ll never see the type of coverage they saw fit to give Hillary’s emails. The Times isn’t alone, of course. The old rule that IOKYAR (it’s okay if you’re a Republican) holds in spades when it comes to Trump. Trump acting in a bizarre fashion is, after all, just Trump being Trump. Now, if Joe Biden, for instance, were to tell you how much of a fan he is of Hannibal Lecter, we would never hear the end of it, either from the media or the Republicans, whose every pronouncement on the subject would be lovingly repeated by that same media.

This would all be a fairly unimportant observation, except that by doing what it does, the media is enabling the rise of fascism in this country, because it is increasingly the case that they ignore craziness from anyone whose name is followed by an (R).

There is one major arena in the media where Trump’s mental illness and senility is being covered. That would be by the comedians. That too, is not a new development. It has been the case for years that only the comedians have adequately covered the craziness coming from America’s right wing.

UPDATE:I started this post by noting that my complaint is common in the left wing blogosphere, so I thought it might be a good idea to update this post with links to such articles as they appear.

So first, this, from Lawyers, Guns and Money.

Not quite a rant, but it qualifies.

Just a thought

Now that Matt Gaetz has brought down Kevin McCarthy, there’s a bunch of Republicans in Congress that want to bring down Matt Gaetz, by expelling him. I’m sure Bill Palmer over at the Palmer Report is likely right when he says that “[i]t’s a given that all House Democrats would vote yes” for such an expulsion resolution.

But I think the Democrats should think about it.

The plan is to have “the House Ethics Committee issue a damning report about his underage sex trafficking scandal and using that as the basis for the expulsion.” Let’s stipulate that he is likely guilty of those things. Let’s also stipulate that if it were any other Republican the Republicans would not care a whit that one of their number was guilt of that or any other crime, as they’ve more than amply proven by their embrace of a certain very stable genius who engaged in the most treasonous crime spree since the Civil War.

Matt Gaetz is doing the Democrats favor by exposing how dysfunctional and extreme the Republican Party has become. If he stays in Congress he will continue to do so and he will cause even more Republican infighting (See here, for example). In fact, if he survives an expulsion vote, he will likely become even more extreme, and he will more and more become the public face of the Republican Party, which can only help to elect more Democrats.

If the Democrats were to oppose the expulsion, they could do so on the principled ground that it is totally unfair to expel a man for criminal behavior that has not been proven in a court of law, especially since, as noted above, Republicans have taken the position overall that it is perfectly okay for Republicans to engage in criminal behavior. It would be a denial of equal protection for Gaetz to be singled out for punishment, when the general rule is that it’s okay if you’re a Republican. They’d have even more ammunition if the Republicans actually elect Jim Jordan to the speakership, given his history of tolerating sexual abuse.

Just a thought. I’m not sure I agree with myself on this one, but I do think the Democrats should think it through and try to take whatever course gives them the maximum political advantage.

Yet another modest proposal (or suggestion)

I am currently in the process of proofreading my son’s second book. My primary job is to root out typos, spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and inappropriate word choices. I am well qualified for this task, having undergone rigorous training by the nuns at Our Lady of Sorrows School. I probably outlined more sentences than some people have written. My job does not include suggesting changes in the substantive content of the book. If it did, my son would likely never let me near the manuscript.

It is a work of intellectual history, focused on the Reconstruction period. It examines the thought of various philosophers, politicians and activists as they debated the constitutional basis for imposing changes on the Southern States as the war came to a close. The war would have been a waste of time, they thought, if the Southern states were merely incorporated back into the union without requiring them to make fundamental changes in the way they operated, particularly, of course, with the way they treated black people.

There were several philosophical arguments put forth to justify imposing changes on the Southern States as a condition of allowing them to re-enter the Union. One, especially, caught my attention, as it’s something we might think about invoking today.

Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution provides that:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Usually referred to as the “Guarantee Clause” is has been largely ignored through most of our history. I seem to recall once being taught that it was essentially toothless. My son notes in the book that Roger Taney, of Dred Scott fame, actually ruled in a case involving the clause that Congress alone could enforce the guarantee, as opposed to the courts. The folks pushing the clause during Reconstruction were arguing that a republican form of government necessarily reflected the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, e.g., equality and government based on the consent of the governed as the popular understanding of those concepts evolves over time. That meant, they argued, that among other things, the federal government was within its rights to declare slavery illegal everywhere, with no need for a constitutional amendment to do so, and it meant that states could be required to have universal manhood sufferage. Apparently some (but not all) of them had still not yet gotten around to think that women had the right to consent to their government.

We all know how Reconstruction worked out. The folks who were pushing these ideas were successful in the sense that they enacted the 13th through 15th Amendments, but their true objectives were undermined as the courts and the political parties stepped aside and let the white people in the south impose a system of apartheid, with the courts somehow finding that the 14th Amendment actually was intended to give corporations rights and that it really had nothing much to do with black folks.

But I digress.

It occurred to me that the Democrats of today (no resemblance to the Democrats of the Reconstruction period) might consider reviving the Guarantee Clause argument that the Reconstruction “radicals” developed.

Right now, one of the greatest threats to democracy in this country is the fact that many of our states do not have republican forms of government in any reasonable interpretation of the term. It is, as Jefferson would have said, self evident that a government is not subject to the consent of the governed if it is designed to be controlled by a minority of the governed. That is precisely what is happening in many of our states, with computer enabled hyper-gerrymandering enabling Republicans to dominate in state legislatures in states where more people vote for Democratic candidates than for Republicans. The Supreme Court ducked the opportunity to do something about this gerrymandering, since it suits the interests of the conservative majority to enable the approaching autocracies, by declaring it a political question, outside of the court’s jurisdiction. Those folks back in Reconstruction days agreed, and argued that it was up to Congress to do what must be done to assure a Republican form of government in the states.

There is a reasonable chance that the Democrats will have majorities in both houses after the 2024 election, with no need to bow to the demands of either Joe Manchin or Krysten Sinema. Should the Democrats get into that position, they should seriously consider invoking that Guarantee Clause to do something about gerrymandering in the states. It would be entirely consistent with the Constitution’s directive that the federal government guarantee a republican form of government to the people of each state.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that the Congressional guarantee would be enforceable. Those folks in Reconstruction days argued that the courts had no role with respect to the clause, but of course our current Supreme Court would disagree. Though it has declined to deal with gerrymandering, calling it a political issue, it will no doubt feel free to step in to preserve unfair gerrymandering, despite the fact that it has ruled that it can’t do anything to stop unfair gerrymandering and despite the fact that it would be yet another example of hypocrisy on the part of the reactionaries on the court. Still, it wouldn’t hurt for the Democrats to push hard on the issue.

Just following orders

I suppose it was only a matter of time until one of Trump’s co-criminals trotted out the “just following orders” defense that didn’t quite work for the Nazis at Nuremberg:

… former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark is now claiming in Fulton County court that he only took the actions he did because Donald Trump instructed him to in his role as then-President.

I wonder if Clark’s lawyers will cite to Richard Nixon’s pronouncement that “when the president does it, that means it is not illegal”.

The thing is, he’s got at least an even chance of prevailing on this argument if he can get it to the Supreme Court. Of course the court will have to come up with a way to change the precedent a bit, to “when a Republican president does it, that means it’s not illegal”, because after all, we have to preserve the possibility that we can put Joe Biden in jail for crimes we still can’t define.

It is a bit ironic that Jeff Clark is the first, to my knowledge anyway, to plead the “just following orders” defense, inasmuch as from everything that we’ve heard about the way these crimes went down, he pretty much pushed his way forward and begged for the chance to follow those orders after even Bill Barr refused to do so.

Impeach him!

From what I’ve been reading, I understand that poor Kevin McCarthy is in a quandry. You might say he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knows that holding the economy hostage at the behest of the crazies in his caucus is a losing proposition for the Republican Party. He also knows that bowing to their demands that he impeach Biden and inflict economic pain on millions of people in order to get their votes is also a losing proposition. But, alas, he also knows that he gave them the tools to boot him out as speaker when he was elected in the first place, so what’s the poor idiot to do?

There are probably more vulnerable Republican “moderates” from districts that Biden won in 2020 than there are members of the crazy caucus, but they can’t bring themselves to make common cause with the Democrats, for they too are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they do the responsible thing they may win some votes from swing voters, but they will lose more of the whackjob vote than they gain of the sane vote. So they must sit back and do what they’re told, in the hopes that no one will notice that they allowed the economy to be held hostage.

If the past is any guide, they could probably get away with that. But if the past is any guide, they can’t get away with what will be expected of them when it comes to impeachment. The pressure will be on them from the MAGAs and the crazy caucus to vote to impeach. If they refuse to do that, they lose the support of the MAGAs in their district, who will either simply not vote or will vote for a third party. If they do vote to impeach, which most if not all of them will do if it does come to a vote, they will alienate a huge plurality of those legendary swing voters. When Clinton was impeached it was the Republicans that paid at the polls, and they at least had a facially somewhat existent case. This time they will have nothing, and that fact will be known to everyone who doesn’t watch Fox, and even to some who do!

So I say, Kevin, proceed with the impeachment. That way you will preserve your speakership until January of 2025, at which time you will be consigned by all concerned to the dustbin of history, a place you surely belong.