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An oft ranted rant in the liberal blogosphere

You can’t spend much time on the left wing blogosphere without running into a rant like that which follows, but I’m going to do it anyway.

It has become increasingly obvious that Donald Trump’s mental illness has become more extreme, exacerbated, no doubt, by oncoming senility. I have not kept up a database of the many inane acts in which he has engaged, so just for a smattering I went to the Palmer Report and the articles to which it linked, where they have all been documented. Just in the last few days he has bragged about how much Hannibal Lecter liked him, opined that windmills cause whales to beach themselves, proclaimed that he has beaten out Al Capone when it comes to the number of indictments, and danced his way off a stage after lying about his sympathy for the people being killed in Israel. This is just a small sampling of the clear proof that the man is stunningly stupid, mentally ill, senile, or all three.

If you try hard enough, you might see some of this stuff in the pages of the New York Times, but you’ll never see the type of coverage they saw fit to give Hillary’s emails. The Times isn’t alone, of course. The old rule that IOKYAR (it’s okay if you’re a Republican) holds in spades when it comes to Trump. Trump acting in a bizarre fashion is, after all, just Trump being Trump. Now, if Joe Biden, for instance, were to tell you how much of a fan he is of Hannibal Lecter, we would never hear the end of it, either from the media or the Republicans, whose every pronouncement on the subject would be lovingly repeated by that same media.

This would all be a fairly unimportant observation, except that by doing what it does, the media is enabling the rise of fascism in this country, because it is increasingly the case that they ignore craziness from anyone whose name is followed by an (R).

There is one major arena in the media where Trump’s mental illness and senility is being covered. That would be by the comedians. That too, is not a new development. It has been the case for years that only the comedians have adequately covered the craziness coming from America’s right wing.

UPDATE:I started this post by noting that my complaint is common in the left wing blogosphere, so I thought it might be a good idea to update this post with links to such articles as they appear.

So first, this, from Lawyers, Guns and Money.

Not quite a rant, but it qualifies.

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