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Category Archives: Media

War hero O’Reilly shows Brian Williams how it’s done

If you are not a devoted blogaholic you may not even know that Bill O'Reilly is facing criticism for having lied about his journalistic combat experience. His lies rivaled if not surpassed Brian Williams wildest fantasies, claiming, for instance, that while covering the Falklands War hundreds of miles away from the Falklands someone pointed an […]

Some lexical pushback

Yesterday I bemoaned the tendency of the Left to allow the right to frame the terms of debate, including allowing them to abrogate warm and fuzzy words like “reform” and “pro-life” to describe themselves or their policies. Well, lo and behold, today in my in-box I got something from a group that isn't going to […]

Sony Baloney

Okay, I agree that a foreign government shouldn't be hacking corporations, which as the Supreme Court tells us, are people too. But it strikes me that a movie whose plot revolves around a plan to kill an actual, non-fictional human being, is, to say the least, somewhat tacky. Imagine the response by this country's right […]

Required reading on Andrew Ross Sorkin

A few days ago I mocked a recent column by Andrew Ross Sorkin, in which he defended, nay praised, Wall Streets practice of pre-bribing its own as they enter the revolving door to a government job. Of course, I only scratched the surface, pointing out the obvious. Here's what should be required reading about Sorkin […]

Fair and balanced everywhere we go

Paul Krugman took a plane ride, and was subjected (sound blessedly off) to Newsmax TV (no choice, everyone had to watch it), which he speculates is even more right wing than Fox: This sort of thing is obviously an important part of the reason we’re living in an age of derp. Events and data may […]

Both sides always do it

A great example of the “both sides are at fault” meme in today's Boston Globe. The facts are really quite simple. Republicans have pulled out all the stops to obstruct Obama's diplomatic appointments. It matters not whether any particular nominee arouses their wrath; they will oppose anyone. Those are the facts on the ground, and […]

Pigs fly

There are moments in our national discourse that the narrative seems to change, and there are even moments when sanity, or as close to sanity as we can get, appears to have a chance of prevailing. We may have reached such a moment in the reaction to the reaction of the neo-cons to the events […]

What ever happened to the liberal media?

David Sirota recently reported that an anti pension billionaire fronted the money for PBS to produce a series pushing his viewpoint as objective journalism. Now he's reporting that the McNeil-Lehrer NewsHour is actually owned (did you know someone could “own” a PBS show?) by the for profit right wing Liberty Media Company. Most Americans likely […]

Everything is the opposite of what it is, isn’t it?

Only the American media can turn good news into bad, and it comes as no surprise that in doing so they are carrying water for Republicans. The CBO says that as a result of the Affordable Care Act, some ordinary Americans will have the opportunity to work less and still have health insurance, to the […]

A Postscript

A bit of a follow up to Sunday morning's post, in which I ranted about a Boston Globe article that referred to two extremes in Congress. Paul Krugman agrees. In practice, left-wing cranks have never played a significant role in US politics, while right-wing cranks always have. via Conscience of a Liberal I'd go a […]