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A Postscript

A bit of a follow up to Sunday morning's post, in which I ranted about a Boston Globe article that referred to two extremes in Congress. Paul Krugman agrees.

In practice, left-wing cranks have never played a significant role in US politics, while right-wing cranks always have.

via Conscience of a Liberal

I'd go a bit further and say that perfectly coherent and realistic left wing views are systematically read out of the public discourse. We have freedom of speech in this country, but there is a wide range of views (almost entirely on the left) that the masters of our discourse will not allow themselves to hear.

By the way, the lack of recent posts is not because I lack brilliant things to say, but because my internet service has been frustratingly spotty. It works great at those times (say, 4:00 in the morning) when you don't want to use it, but goes on and off at random at other times. The problem is supposedly being addressed, but I am not holding my breath.

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