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Category Archives: Media

The cult of balance tips right

Paul Krugman continues his righteous jihad against centrism in today’s column, but I have a bone to pick. He says: The cult of balance has played an important role in bringing us to the edge of disaster. For when reporting on political disputes always implies that both sides are to blame, there is no penalty […]

Still playing the share the blame game

The Times speaks with two tongues. On the editorial pages, where they are actually supposed to editorialize, they puts the blame for the “deadlock” just where it belongs-on the Republicans. But on the front page where they are supposed to stick to the facts, they editorialize. The headlines says “Both Sides Refuse to Budge” (print […]

A new meaning for centrist

According to the headline in today’s Day, Obama is staking out a centrist position in the ginned up “debt crisis”. Given that he is proposing Medicare cuts opposed by the vast majority of Americans, and that even Olympia Snowe can’t support them, we must conclude that the term “center”, at least in politics, has a […]

More from the liberal media

The Times recently printed a puff piece about Andrew Breitbart. Breitbart is the right wing media agitator who, having successfully obtained Anthony Weiner’s scalp, is now batting .250 when it comes to the scandals he’s agitated. In the other three he demonstrably lied or distorted evidence. Each time the media duly reported his allegations, while […]

Another Republican frame adopted

It has been observed often, but always bears repeating, that the media in this country, whether consciously or unconsciously, sides with Republicans by adopting their terminology and the frames they put around issues. A good case in point is this article in this morning’s Times, about the special election in New York tomorrow. Several times […]

Here they go again

Republican Christopher Coutu, who somehow managed to get himself elected as a state representative from Norwich, is your typical right wing legislator, more interested in spouting inane talking points than responsible governance. He is also planning to run against Joe Courtney in 2012 (when he will get his ass handed to him, but that’s not […]

Pundits assessed

Here’s some fun reading. An allegedly scientific, or at least quasi-scientific study of the predictions of pundits and others in the national eye. According to the study, liberals are far more likely to be accurate prognosticators than their conservative brethren, and lawyers are less likely than others to get it right. Paul Krugman comes out […]

Praise The Lord, at least in Missouri

Well, I’m back from vacation and it’s time to inflict more punditry into the world. As I have nothing to say about royal weddings, I will ease back into harness by mounting an old hobby horse, in fact somewhat along the lines of a post of a few days ago where I noted the mysterious […]

A Hellishly bad column

I have never before read a column by Russ Douthat, the columnist presently occupying the conservative slot at the Times. But I decided to do so today, since my wife told me that one of the people she follows on Twitter said his column today was the stupidest column he’d ever read. I couldn’t resist. […]

New York Times parodies itself

I have, on occasion, noted that there appears to be a slight disparity in the way in which our media, including the “liberal” New York Times, reports on rallies held by right wingers as opposed to those held by left wingers. So long as two or more gather in the tea party’s name, the event […]