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Here they go again

Republican Christopher Coutu, who somehow managed to get himself elected as a state representative from Norwich, is your typical right wing legislator, more interested in spouting inane talking points than responsible governance. He is also planning to run against Joe Courtney in 2012 (when he will get his ass handed to him, but that’s not what this piece is about).

The New London Day has already commenced its campaign on his behalf, giving outsize prominence to a gimmicky lawsuit filed against Malloy’s budget by some Republican legislators and a right wing legal group. The paper gave it front page coverage, with Coutu’s name featured in the headline.

I’m not saying that this waste of judicial time doesn’t deserve coverage. It just doesn’t belong on the front page as the headline story, nor does Coutu’s name need to be prominently displayed in that place. This comes a mere day after the Day printed a Coutu press release in the guise of a news article.

This is the same as it ever was. The allegedly liberal Day can be relied on to lavish attention on Republican candidates for the Second Congressional seat.

UPDATE: The drumbeat continues, with the normally sensible David Collins lavishing praise on Coutu in a column this (Sunday) morning. (This post was originally put up on Saturday). That makes it three days in a row. Collins transcribes the usual conservative tripe that Coutu and people like him dish out (we must screw the middle class while aiding the rich is what it always amounts to) and, of course, neither challenges Coutu nor informs his readers regarding the facts about Social Security, about which Coutu engages in the usual Republican lies. Likely, like so many members of the press, Collins has not bothered to inform himself on these topics, preferring to confine himself to the he-said, she said style of political reporting. After all, who ever said it was the role of the press to sort out the facts for its readers, rather than leaving it to them to do the heavy lifting.

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