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Category Archives: Media

The Day goes to bat for a misunderstood union buster

Today the Day joins the anti-union push, and in its usual somewhat muddled fashion, helps push the meme that the only thing standing between America and prosperity is unions, and please to ignore those corporations sitting on piles of cash they won’t even share with their shareholders. We are treated to a sympathetic portrayal of […]

Investigative Journalism at the Day

In today’s Day appears the second in a series of investigative articles. The first, which examined reaction in the boating industry to a proposed tax on boats, has now been followed by an equally hard hitting piece on the reaction among the folks who play with planes to a proposed tax on airplanes. The results […]

Suppressing fiction in Canada

Via Reader Supported News we get sad news. It seems those notoriously “polite” Canadians have made Rupert Murdoch feel unwelcome. They have a law there that “requires that ‘a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news’” How rude. Well, naturally, Fox knows when it’s not wanted and it’s not in Canada. Now, […]

I stand corrected, and other random notes

A while back I said that the New York Times “sent its reporters into Wisconsin with orders to find some union members that would trash talk the public employees”. I was wrong. Turns out, as Keith Olbermann points out (yes, Keith now has a blog), that the Times was fully satisfied to settle for someone […]

As expected

A brief I told you so. So far as the New York Times is concerned, yesterday’s demonstrations didn’t happen. Not a mention, so far as I could find. Maybe we should bring guns to our rallies, but of course if we did, we wouldn’t be justifiably angry Americans like the tea partiers, we’d be arrested. […]

Heads they win, tails we lose

I understand that Jon Stewart has compared the Wisconsin situation to the Bizarro World in Superman, with the protestors being the Bizarro World equivalent of the tea party folks. Superficial, but ultimately wrong, beginning with the fact that the folks in Wisconsin have reality based grievances. But there is a kernel of truth in his […]

Editorial Judgments

Herbert Ross of Lyme wrote an excellent letter to the Day, taking issue with its decision to run a blatantly misleading editorial cartoon. The cartoon asserted, against all the evidence, that the Social Security trust fund was going bankrupt. Mr. Ross asks that the Day explain the way the it makes it editorial decisions regarding […]

Apple: rotten to the core?

My RSS feeds come in two basic flavors: politics and computers. The computer feeds are heavily concentrated on things Apple. I bought a Mac about seven years ago and have never looked back. Back then, Apple was still a relatively bit player in the computer world, and besides getting better technology and software, you could […]

Mixed Messages

Today ‘s New London Day opines that we should “Stop the Politics” when it comes to the issue of end of life counseling, which Republicans transmogrified into “death panels” during the health care debate. I agree entirely. It’s good to see the Day take such a position, couched as it is with proper obeisance to […]

What’s this all about?

Today’s Times has a hit piece on Lanny Davis (Lobbyist’s Client List Puts Him on the Defensive) , the lawyer turned lobbyist who helped defend Bill Clinton during the latter’s impeachment. The article is reprinted in the Day, and, I imagine, in papers throughout the country. Now I have no brief for Davis or the […]