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Category Archives: Media

The Times legitimizes idiocy

The New York Time has a lot to answer for. Back in 2002 and 2003, it helped legitimize the Bush Administration’s push to war, running a series of poorly sourced and mendacious articles. The sources for the articles were mainly Bush administration creatures, who then used the Times articles as proof that the lies they […]

Is that the sound of an ox being gored?

Truly as a public service, I’m sure, the New London Day printed a full page ad today, warning us that our right to know is being jeopardized because legal notices may move from the newspapers to the internet. This, we are shrilly informed, represents a direct threat to our democracy, since only 10% of the […]

Important stuff

Front page article in the New York Times today on an earth shaking development. Conan O’Brien is refusing to move his show to 11:30 because of his deep and abiding respect for the institution of the Tonight Show. Once you’ve devoured the front page article, you can turn to the op-ed page and read an […]

Random notes

A few observations, with the only common thread being that they involve our media. I have largely ignored the “underwear bomber” because I don’t think much of the faked controversy that’s kept the pundits busy for weeks. So long as we continue to invade Middle Eastern countries we can expect to be targeted by terrorists. […]

Asymmetries Revisited

I don’t normally respond to comments, but sometimes it’s worthwhile, and this may be a case in point. In a recent post I made the case that Obama is being treated differently than Bush, specifically citing the way Republican are trying to blame him for a thwarted attempt at terrorism, when Bush was given a […]

Beltway logic

There’s a lot to criticize about Obama’s presidency, but his response to failed terrorist attempts is not among them. This piece by Glenn Greenwald is must reading. Our punditry is living in a sort of inverted world, in which Obama’s strengths are his weaknesses, and his weaknesses are his strengths. Fondly must we hope, fervently […]

Olbermann exposes the liberal media

The news is too depressing. I can’t bring myself to emit yet another rant against the weak, helpless, impotent, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual Democrats who “control” the United States Senate. If they had sat down in April and tried to figure out a way to simultaneously wreck the Health Care system (even more than it already […]

Where the truth lies

Always in the middle it seems. From this morning’s Times: Now that unemployment has topped 10 percent, some liberal-leaning economists see confirmation of their warnings that the $787 billion stimulus packagePresident Obama signed into law last February was way too small. The economy needs a second big infusion, they say. No, some conservative-leaning economists counter, […]

Pundits agree: Bring Back Stupid

Those Beltway types sure miss them some George Bush. First it was David Broder: The more President Obama examines our options in Afghanistan, the less he likes the choices he sees. But, as the old saying goes, to govern is to choose — and he has stretched the internal debate to the breaking point. It […]

Truly Bad Editing

This got my lawyer’s hackles raised. In Today’s New London Day I noticed an article titled as follows: Bankruptcy court: Lighthouse Inn filing invalid The clear implication–nay, not implication, but the explicit statement- is that the Bankruptcy Court has ruled that the Lighthouse Inn’s bankruptcy filing was invalid. It’s made even more explicit by this […]