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Is that the sound of an ox being gored?

Truly as a public service, I’m sure, the New London Day printed a full page ad today, warning us that our right to know is being jeopardized because legal notices may move from the newspapers to the internet. This, we are shrilly informed, represents a direct threat to our democracy, since only 10% of the people go to government websites while 83% “of adults read a community newspaper every week”. My, oh my, that old saw about statistics certainly remains true. Not to take away from the other statistical stretchers, but how many of those adults, one would like to know, actually read the legal notices? And who knew that the newspapers have been playing a watchdog role in the public discourse when they have printed all those overpriced legal notices all these years?

Meanwhile, the Day, which in its day job is a crusader against all forms of corruption and hypocrisy, fails to identify the owner of that bellowing ox.

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