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Category Archives: Media

Do I repeat myself? Very well then I repeat myself.

While I’m too lazy to gather the links, I ask any reader who drops by to rest assured this is not the first time I am beating this woefully dead horse. I was moved to this repetion when I stumbled upon this New York Times article in my RSS feed. The header? Biden Scales Back […]

Cue the Outrage

Time for some outrage on the right! Surely in their continuing crusade against cancel culture ! they’ll have something to say about this: Comcast is helping Fox News kill Americans with anti-vaccination propaganda by refusing to air a new ad from The Lincoln Project. … Comcast refused to air The Lincoln Project ad because, “An […]

Worth reading

The Boston Globe is in the process of publishing a series of editorials containing its recommendations to prevent future presidents from engaging in the criminality in which the former guy engaged. It is well worth reading. Oddly enough, while the daily paper is only up to the fourth editorial, you can read all of them […]

To Mask or not to Mask

Over at Press Run Eric Boehlert documents a new media obsession, yet another right wing whining point. Why, they ask, does Biden, a fully vaccinated person, continue to wear a mask. For that matter, why should any vaccinated person where a mask. He observes: It’s slightly jarring that in the wake of the Trump presidency, […]

Hard Times at the Times?

I have noticed over the last couple of days that the New York Times has run short of euphemisms. I don’t know if it’s because they used so many during the Trump years that they can’t come up with any more, but lately they’ve been running some euphemistic free articles in which Trump’s lies are […]

Hearing what I want to hear

I have often criticized the New London Day on this blog, but fair’s fair, and when they may have done a good thing it is only right and just that I acknowledge the same. Today’s letter section contained a letter from a Trumper that began like this: Lie, lie, lie; lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, […]

Liberal bias runs rampant! Well, actually, not so much

First, let me recommend this site, to which I’m linking for purposes of this post. Eric Boehlert covers media bias, the real kind, that routinely consigns Democrats to the bench. In this instance, he points out something that is both outrageous and perfectly predictable: After creating new programming rules for the Trump administration and airing […]

New London Day: Whackjobs! We want to hear from you!

The New London Day apparently can’t afford to send it’s reporters into diners to seek out the whackos, like the New York Times, so it’s asking the whackos to come to it. On the front page of today’s Region section there’s a little item asking whackjobs who’ve applied for pistol permits in 2020 to give […]

Both siding it at the Times

The New York Times tells us that early doubters are now showing a willingness to take the vaccine. That’s nice. But check out their roll of early doubters: The time frame was dangerously accelerated, many people warned. The vaccine was a scam from Big Pharma, others said. A political ploy by the Trump administration, many […]

Has the mainstream learned from bloggers?

I’ve been reading the Political Animal blog for years, and I generally agree with them, but I’m not sure about this particular piece. Political blogging was born in the Bush years, peaked under Obama, and mostly died in the Trump Era. The decline is partly explained by the mainstream media adopting some of blogging’s strongest […]