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Hearing what I want to hear

I have often criticized the New London Day on this blog, but fair’s fair, and when they may have done a good thing it is only right and just that I acknowledge the same.

Today’s letter section contained a letter from a Trumper that began like this:

Lie, lie, lie; lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.

That’s the refrain I like to sing from Simon and Garfunkel’s, “The Boxer” every time I hear a Democrat open their ignorant mouth.

The letter, none of which I will further reproduce here, then goes on to brand a number of true assertions as lies. Okay, I’ll reproduce one more section:

”Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud”. Lie lie lie.”

You get the drift. You can read the rest here if you have nothing better to do.

Someone at the Day had what I consider to be a brilliant idea. The caption for the letter is taken straight from the same Simon and Garfunkel song:

A Man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

This raises the interesting question of whether I am hearing what I want to hear, as the caption is just ambiguous enough that the Trumper, being a Trumper and therefore not very bright or attuned to irony, will never get that the man to whom the caption refers is the letter writer himself. Well, that’s my take, anyway, and I’m disregarding any other interpretation, so I extend a CTBlue thumbs up to whoever wrote that caption, who I choose to believe is someone other than whoever writes the titles for the news articles, which titles always have a right wing bent.

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