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Category Archives: Media

Now more than ever, follow Orwell’s rules

George Orwell posited six rules for good writing: (i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. (ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do. (iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. (iv) Never use the […]

An open letter to the New London Day

The Day has, for reasons the rational among us cannot fathom, repeatedly endorsed Heather Somers for any political office for which she happens to hanker. Curiously, however, the Day never bothers to cover what Ms. Somers happens to do in the course of her official duties. Wait, let me correct myself. The Day slavishly passes […]

Shape of Things to Come

This is interesting, I think, and bodes poorly for the Democratic presidential candidate, whoever it may be. In today’s New York Times (the paper version), right next to the two articles about the Barr hearings, neither of which headlines the fact that he lied his way through his testimony, is an article about Joe Biden. […]

You can stop if you’ve read this same rant elsewhere

I realize that everything I’m about to say has been said ad nauseum, but inasmuch as this is my blog and no one has to read it if they don’t want, I will proceed to vent. First, lets stipulate that when people read newspapers, they often just scan the headlines, or read the first couple […]

Pundit amnesia syndrome

Every Tuesday and Friday I religiously check out the op-ed page at the New York Times to peruse Paul Krugman’s latest. I’m not sure if David Brooks always runs on those days as well, but if he is I also check out the title to his latest, groan, and make a mental note read the […]

A gang of idiots takes on a stable genius

When I was a mere lad, along with the comic books I bought religiously using the money I earned on my paper route, there was a monthly magazine I also bought religiously. I bought it because it was funny. Little did I suspect that I was being indoctrinated into the political ideology I profess today. […]

A bit on both sides

So, I know that Bill Maher is a little problematic, but when he’s right, he’s right, so I’ll pass on this brilliant takedown of both Howard Schultz and the both-siderism that he’s selling. I wish I could embed the video, but try as I might, I can’t make the embed code work. I’m sure Maher has pointed […]

Told you so

Almost two weeks ago (ages in Trump time), I observed that although Trump’s followers would never admit they were scammed, they’d be more than willing to admit that they’ve been betrayed. Betrayal is, of course, exactly what happens to you after you’ve been conned, but it’s easy to talk yourself into believing there’s a distinction, […]

There’s a word for that

Erik Prince is once more in the news. One must truly wonder about how any given two parents could raise siblings as loathsome as he and Betsy DeVos, but pondering that is for another day. This time he’s been caughttrying to make money by helping China persecute Muslims: But Mr. Prince scrambled on Friday to distance […]

Who could have known Roger Stone was actually guilty?

We woke up to the good news (culled from Twitter by my wife) that Roger Stone had been arrested and carted off in the early hours of the morn. I looked for details, as at the time we weren’t sure when, precisely, it had happened. None of my other feeds had any news so I […]