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A gang of idiots takes on a stable genius

When I was a mere lad, along with the comic books I bought religiously using the money I earned on my paper route, there was a monthly magazine I also bought religiously. I bought it because it was funny. Little did I suspect that I was being indoctrinated into the political ideology I profess today. Back then I couldn’t figure out why this magazine kept making fun of Richard Nixon, who had been beaten by JFK, and, I thought (though I was wrong), was a total has been. I left the magazine, along with the comic books, behind when I dropped my paper route, but the lessons I learned stayed with me. When Nixon made his comeback in ‘68 I knew him for the criminal snake that he was, and feared the worst, all due to the lessons I learned from this magazine and the left wing gang of idiots that churned it out every month. 

I’m sure I’m not the only faithful reader whose mind was shaped by the gang.

In the summer of 2017 I chanced upon an issue of this magazine, which is still in existence, and was delighted to see that it was savaging a certain stable genius. Such good work should be rewarded, I thought, so I subscribed on my Ipad. Truth to tell, I haven’t read it very often, but I feel I’m supporting a worthy cause, in the hopes that it is shaping the minds of a rising generation.

Today I pulled it up on my Ipad. It featured the 20 most horrible things that happened in 2018, about 16 of which involved a certain genius in one way or another. Here’s a sample.


Yes, Mad magazine survives. I don’t know if it anywhere near as popular with 10 to 14 year old boys as it was, but I hope so.

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