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Category Archives: Iraq

Does George like to watch?

If I suggested to you that George Bush was the type of little boy who liked to pull the wings off flies, or torture little animals, would you disagree? Most likely not. He has about him the air of the coward who takes a special delight in inflicting pain on those weaker than himself. If […]

No WMDs in Iran

A lot of very unsurprising things have been revealed lately. A few days ago I noted that Bush and al-Maliki had all but sealed a sweetheart deal that, in the case of Bush, helped his cronies tremendously, and in the case of al-Maliki, promised to preserve his power, all to the detriment of their respective […]

Least surprising shocking development of 2007

Talking Points Memo reports that Bush and al-Maliki have sealed a deal whereby he, on behalf of the Iraqi people, will allow Bush’s cronies to economically rape their country, and Bush, on behalf of the American people, promises to keep al-Maliki in power. Iraq’s government is prepared to offer the U.S. a long-term troop presence […]

What a difference a few days makes

On the 13th, Harry Reid said that Democrats won’t approve more money for the Iraq war this year unless President Bush agrees to begin bringing troops home. Today, they took a vote, and the bill lost, 53 in favor and 47 against, because of course Harry Reid would never think of forcing the Republicans to […]

Heard this before

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday that Democrats won’t approve more money for the Iraq war this year unless President Bush agrees to begin bringing troops home. By the end of the week, the House and Senate planned to vote on a $50 billion measure for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill would […]

Bush up to the challenge

From Juan Cole: Iraq’s Katrina? The Army Corps of Engineers is worried that a dam north of Mosul will collapse. CBS warns, ‘ A catastrophic failure, engineers believe, could unleash a 60-foot-high wall of water that would be inundate Mosul – and flood Baghdad to a depth of 15 feet. The casualty count would be […]

Bush’s Imperial Ambitions-there from the start

Atrios notes that this article in the American Prospect by John Judis represents a breakthrough of sorts-a recognition by a beltway media type that Bush’s foreign policy is essentially imperialistic. It’s well worth a read, since it summarizes well the arguments for that characterization and the reasons why imperialism is a failed strategy in foreign […]

Our president: a deluded thug

We have had so much proof of Bush’s criminality that more of it, even in his own words, barely causes a stir. Truth to tell, it never has. As further proof of this phenomenon I urge you to read ‘The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam’, by Mark Danner at the New York […]

Noted in passing

Today I just want to highlight a couple of things that could be easily overlooked. Via Talking Points Memo, this tidbit from an article about the recent ambush of the Polish Ambassador, in which several people were killed and even more wounded: U.S. authorities confiscated an AP Television News videotape that contained scenes of the […]

Verdict on Petreaus is in and it’s not good

David Kurtz at Talking Points Memo writes: I ventured a guess last week that public opinion had long ago hardened on Iraq and that the elaborate dog and pony show of the Petraeus hearings would make little impact. Well, the verdict is starting to come in. A new CBS News poll shows a slight uptick […]