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What a difference a few days makes

On the 13th, Harry Reid said that Democrats won’t approve more money for the Iraq war this year unless President Bush agrees to begin bringing troops home.

Today, they took a vote, and the bill lost, 53 in favor and 47 against, because of course Harry Reid would never think of forcing the Republicans to actually filibuster. (Democrats unable to bring troops home):

Frustrated by Republican roadblocks, Democrats now plan to sit on President Bush’s $196 billion request for war spending until next year — pushing the Pentagon toward an accounting nightmare and deepening their conflict with the White House on the war.

Now, Democratic leaders say they won’t send President Bush a war spending bill this year. They calculate the military has enough money to run through mid-February.

When will the Democrats learn that you don’t play chicken if everyone knows you’ll be the first to chicken out. Now they are practically announcing that they will wait until next year to cave. Do they really think Bush cares? He knows he’ll get his money, along with another blank check.

In the real world, when someone is frustrated by a road block, the only effective response is to get rid of the road block. That sort of thing never occurs to the Democrats.

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