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Category Archives: Bush

There is some justice

In the world: The 2008 General Conference of the United Methodist Church, the governing body of Southern Methodist University, today voted to reject SMU’s bid to host the George W. Bush Presidential Library. And the vote tally? 844-20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That’s really too much. Out of 864 voters, only 20 — that’s 2.3%, if you’re into […]

Designed to fail

A guiding principle of the conservative faith is that government fails at all it tries to do. When they get in power, they prove that theory in spades, at least for times when they are in power. The latest example from the New York Times: After months of watching a growing credit crisis made worse […]

Democrats don’t blink

The House Democrats have had a spine implant. After the craven performance of the Senate they have redeemed their party and the nation, at least temporarily, by telling Bush to shove it on FISA. to the surprise of the White House, they didn’t “blink”, as they’ve done so often in the past. Now they’re going […]

Who could ever have predicted?

We were cleaning up here at home recently, and I came across an old printout of an article from the Onion, to which I’ve referred before. It brought to mind a recent post about all those folks who keep telling us that nobody could have predicted this or that catastrophe. This article, entitled Bush: ‘Our […]

Bush speaks, the market plunges

Yesterday I mentioned that my wife speculated that the market downturn may be related to foreign investors taking their money to greener pastures. Turns out that she was may have been right, at least according to Paul Krugman: The story has played itself out time and time again over the past 30 years. Global investors, […]

Bush’s resume

This is flying around the net, I’m sure. I got it in an email this morning, but as it does a fairly good job of reproducing the Bush presidency, I pass it on: RESUME GEORGE W. BUSH 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20520 EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Law Enforcement: I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in […]

Does George like to watch?

If I suggested to you that George Bush was the type of little boy who liked to pull the wings off flies, or torture little animals, would you disagree? Most likely not. He has about him the air of the coward who takes a special delight in inflicting pain on those weaker than himself. If […]

Sheldon Whitehouse speaks out on Bush criminality

Rhode Island traded a mediocrity for a first rate Senator when it threw out Lincoln Chafee last year. Senator Whitehouse scores the Bush criminal enterprise in a Senate speech. (Full story here). Let’s start with number one. Bear in mind that the so-called Protect America Act that was stampeded through this great body in August […]

Pants on fire

A short course from TPM on NIE lies [youtube][/youtube] That was yesterday. Today, poor Dana tries to explain it all: [youtube][/youtube]

Bush exposed again

There must be a backstory to all this. Sure, Bush lies all the time, but how often does the White House basically admit it: CNN reports: President Bush was told in August that Iran’s nuclear weapons program ‘may be suspended,’ the White House said Wednesday, which seemingly contradicts the account of the meeting given by […]