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Democrats don’t blink

The House Democrats have had a spine implant. After the craven performance of the Senate they have redeemed their party and the nation, at least temporarily, by telling Bush to shove it on FISA. to the surprise of the White House, they didn’t “blink”, as they’ve done so often in the past.

Now they’re going to go home and find out that, lo and behold, they will not be subjected to negative feedback from constituents, most of whom have long since absorbed the fact that Bush is an incompetent fearmonger. The time has long since passed when Bush can sway the popular mind by talking about the bogeyman. Having defied him once, they may find it just a tad easier to do it again, and who knows, it may become a habit. The Dems might take a little advice from Hamlet:

Assume a virtue, if you have it not.
That monster, custom, who all sense doth eat,
Of habits devil, is angel yet in this,
That to the use of actions fair and good
He likewise gives a frock or livery,
That aptly is put on.

Seriously, this is great news. If they stand fast they will speed the unraveling of the Bush dictatorship. For our parts, emails of support to our Congresspersons are in order.

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