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Category Archives: Obama

Obama video

I’ve been a critic, but when you compare Obama to what we could have gotten, or could get, it’s hard to complain too much. This well done video does a great job of highlighting Obama’s achievements, which none of us should forget.    

Opposing birth control no political winner

A few thoughts on the ginned up birth control controversy. First, Obama cannot win votes by caving, he can only lose them.  From what I understand, the pundits are convinced that this is a big deal, believing as they always do that the great unwashed are too stupid and unsophisticated to do anything but side […]

Obama Sings

 He can drive you crazy sometimes, but you can’t help liking him. That may be the key to this year’s election, since you can’t help loathing the competition.  

Thank Obama

I’ve been critical of Obama on many occasions, but when he does good, he deserves credit and our thanks. Today he made some recess appointments that have given the Republicans the vapors. Go to Kos and thank him here. Somewhere I saw that this might lead to a Republican push for impeachment. Wouldn’t that be […]

A mystery

From Firedoglake: When Barack Obama ran for president he promised to respect the states’ medical marijuana laws. But since tak ing office Obama has been steadily using more and more parts of the federal government to wage a war on medical marijuana. His Administration’s actions as of late have become so aggressively anti-medical marijuana that […]

Obama moves left

So, the Obama campaign is tacking left in order to win the presidential election, after spending the past three years tacking right in pursuit of the White Whale, otherwise known as the mythical homogeneous independent voters. So, we’ll be hearing a lot about Obama protecting Social Security and Medicare, which is probably good, because it […]

Obama’s education agenda

This is something that was under my radar, so I pass it along in case it’s escaped notice generally. In the current New York Review of Books Diane Ravitch reviews two books, one of which is Class Warfare, by Steve Brill, in which Brill argues that union busting and charter schools, among other right wing […]

Obama grows a backbone, at least rhetorically

Apparently, the Obama folks are prepared to play hardball on the jobs bill, or at least that’s what they are saying now. For the moment, it means they’re not bargaining with themselves, though that’s not to say that there’s no compromise built into the bill. Like so much of what Obama has proposed, it assumes […]


Up until yesterday I was convinced that Obama was going to win next year, since the Republicans are going to nominate a crazy person, or the crazy wing (now the majority) of their party will stay home if they go with Mitt (who qualifies as not crazy only by comparison with the alternatives). Now, I’m […]

The choice in 2012, and all you need to know about tonight’s speech

We will have a choice between a candidate that wants to hand everything over to the banks and one who favors letting the rest of us get some crumbs off the table (knowing full well the other guys won’t let us have the crumbs, and knowing full well he won’t fight terribly hard to get […]