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Category Archives: Pictures

Pictures from the Capitol

My wife and I went to the rally in Hartford at the State Capitol, seen below gloriously distorted by my new super wide angle lens. I mostly busied myself taking pictures of signs. A few choice ones below, and, if you’re interested, another page of them, complete with slideshow, at my MobileMe gallery, at this […]

Global Warming Myth Debunked

Since everything is evidence that global warming is a myth, I submit the following as exhibits, pictures of roses taken today in my wife’s garden. Some might argue that the existence of blooming Connecticut roses (and should the tiny little fellow in the second picture still be alive?) in November is more substantial evidence of […]

Incredible pictures

This has nothing to do with politics, or the many other subjects upon which I pontificate, but I just had to pass on some of the pictures posted at Why Evolution is True, by a photographer named Igor Siwanowicz. These are stunning examples of evolution producing animals or insects that mimic their surroundings. Here’s a […]

Some pictures from Maine

My wife and I went to Maine for a visit on Wednesday, to the Wells and Oguinquit area. I probably wouldn’t ordinarily post these pictures, but this is actually in the nature of an experiment. I recently downloaded a new app for my Ipad, called Blogpress, which is the first blog editor that I’ve found […]

Vermont miscellany

I don’t know whether this is a blessing or a curse, but we are rather cut off from the outside world up here in Vermont. We have to go out of our way to get access to the internet, and consequently are having a hard time keeping up with what’s going on in the rest […]

Groton Bank Art Show

Just a few pictures from the Art Show on Groton Bank, held yesterday. It seemed to me, and Audrey Heard, the event’s founder confirmed, that this was the biggest show ever, in terms of exhibitors. We arrived early, and attendance seemed to be good, but it was so hot yesterday that one has to wonder […]

Saturday trip

Yesterday my wife and I had a dinner date in Glastonbury, and we decided to leave extra early and wander around in the Chester area. We left while the weather was fairly good, but by the time we got half way there we encountered torrential rains, which sort of put a damper on the project. […]

A few pictures from our Nation’s Capital

Some picture taken Thursday, the one full day we spent in DC. Since pretty much everyone has seen the major landmarks, I’ll stay away from those, and in fact, we stayed away from the physically as well. We went to the Natural History Museum to see what turned out to be rather disappointing exhibit on […]

Greetings from North Carolina

As I threatened or promised (take your pick) on Friday, this week will be given over to pictures, since I’m on vacation and sort of cut off from the world, although I did get the story that the Red Sox beat the hated ones, and John McCain was never a maverick and not only that, […]

Water, water everywhere

We live across the street from a brook that empties into a cove on Long Island Sound. The brook drains what is reputed to be the highest (or at least the steepest) hill on Route 1, so at times like this we get a lot of water flowing by. Our house is the oldest house […]