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Saturday trip

Yesterday my wife and I had a dinner date in Glastonbury, and we decided to leave extra early and wander around in the Chester area. We left while the weather was fairly good, but by the time we got half way there we encountered torrential rains, which sort of put a damper on the project.

However, the rain let up when we arrived at the Sundial Gardens in Higganum, a place we enjoy because it combines my wife’s love of gardens with my love of tea.

The garden is relatively small, but it in incredibly well designed. Very peaceful. Right now, because of the strange weather we’ve had so far, it’s not quite ready for optimal viewing, portions of it being roped off, but I would recommend it to anyone seeking a place for a short stop.

Here’s some pictures.

This last picture depicts trees that have been pleached, trained to grow, in this case, in the form of an arch.

The tea selection is quite good, but be warned. The owner, Ragna Tischler-Goddard, will give you an education, at some length, on the finer points of tea, if you express the slightest interest. She also carries a great selection of the best accompaniment to a fine tea: chocolate.

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