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Am I being nit picky?

Very well then I’m being nit picky. (For those who don’t get the reference, I’m riffing off Walt Whitman)

To get back to the nits.

Crooks and Liars has a post up in which they report on an interview with Nancy Pelosi in which she ably excoriates the stable genius for his latest spewings about abortion. I agree with most of what she has to say:

PELOSI: The way the press wrote it up just cracked me up because it said, ‘Donald Trump believes that’ — he doesn’t believe anything. He believes in his political survival, and that’s what he is trying to accommodate. But you can’t be a little bit pro-life. You are there or you’re not there, and people see that.

So, he may have outsmarted — well, I hate to say outsmarted because, what? Doesn’t seem to apply. but why would the press say ‘he believes?’ He doesn’t believe anything.

There’s more, and the entire thing is well worth reading.

Now for the nit picking.

I continue to be amazed at the willingness of Democrats to call anti-abortion people “pro-life”, as Nancy does in the quote above. There is no way in the world that Republicans would use a similar term that Democrats adopted for themselves. Who isn’t “pro-life”.Well, actually lots of Republicans aren’t, since they do support policies that have a negative effect on life, such as making sure that health care is unavailable for people. In addition, using the term implicitly concedes the validity of their argument in support of their position.

But I digress. There are plenty of terms one could use to characterize the Republican position on abortion, and I’m sure there are some creative people out there that could come up with some that don’t immediately come to mind. They’re not “pro-life” they’re anti-abortion, anti-reproductive freedom, anti-woman and any other appropriate term one cares to use.

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