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Category Archives: Health Care

Arbitrary and Capricious

I’ve mentioned before that I do a lot of disability work. 99.9% of my work is for folks seeking Social Security Disability. That system is fair, by and large. Every once in a while I get a case involving a private disability plan-one that my client got through work. These private cases tell a lot […]

Why I don’t watch television news

There are two possible reasons why someone from an alleged financial network, and therefore someone supposed to know her stuff, could say something this stupid (it’s short): 1. She is, in fact, very stupid. 2. She is shamelessly serving the interests of her corporate masters. I mean, even my social security clients, many of whom […]

One, two, three, what are we fighting for?

My homepage on my browser is Buzzflash. It was the first left wing site I found and, during the 2000 election theft, made me feel like I wasn’t alone-that there were other people out there who saw what was going on and shared my outrage. I admit they get a bit breathless at times, but […]

Maybe we should have taken guns

A couple of days ago I posted about a pro-health care event that was to be held today. I was always a little dubious about this particular event. The idea was to get people to link hands across the Gold Star Bridge. Now, I have ridden my bike across that bridge (on the sidewalk/bikeway) and […]

No, we can’t

In deference to my wife, who retains her fierce loyalty to Obama, I confess that I’ve been somewhat detached the last few days, lacking 24 hour a day access to the internet. Nonetheless, I can’t help but feel that real health care reform is slipping away, with the Obama administration sending, at best, mixed signals […]

Ready to serve

Since we left for Vermont, Sarah Palin has spoken out about Obama’s death panels. You know, those are the boards that will sentence your granny to death, should the cost of her health care prove too high. Well, we here in Vermont are ready to serve. We’ve already heard a few trial cases, and have […]

So sad to be so misunderstood

This morning’s Times carries a puff piece about health insurance lobbyist Karen M. Ignagni, the point person for the Insurance Industry’s drive to destroy health care reform. It seems that the misunderstood insurance companies and their lobbyists were taking a friendly approach to health care reform and are now mystified, totally mystified, at the fact […]

Health Care: Canada vs. U.S.

According to McClatchy, Canadians are much more likely than Americans to say they have access to all the affordable health care they need, but much more likely to gripe about waiting times. The figures are in this graphic below Now this tells us nothing about the actual waiting times, or the actual quality of care. […]

Health Care

For reasons I can’t fathom, one of my reader’s comments are being blocked. I certainly didn’t do it, and I can’t figure out how to stop it. He emailed the comment to me after it was blocked, so I’m reproducing it below. If anyone else has had this problem I would appreciate it if they […]

The best health care in the world, not counting the rest of the world

It never ceases to amaze me how often some (usually) Republican politician repeats some variant of the claim that the U.S. has the best health care system in the world. It seems to me that at least two things should follow from that claim: 1. People all over the world should be clamoring to have […]