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One, two, three, what are we fighting for?

My homepage on my browser is Buzzflash. It was the first left wing site I found and, during the 2000 election theft, made me feel like I wasn’t alone-that there were other people out there who saw what was going on and shared my outrage. I admit they get a bit breathless at times, but this editorial/report on Tom Daschle’s role in the health care debate is, unfortunately, spot on. There is no excuse for Obama to be relying on an insurance company lobbyist for help in crafting a health care plan, and Daschle’s argument that there is no conflict “because he’s telling them all the same thing” is beyond disingenuous. He is, after all, getting big bucks from only one side, which is paying him to say those things.

Every day my inbox fills up with emails urging me to do various things to support health care reform, and every day it becomes just a little clearer that the process, as Woody Allen said, “is a travesty. It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.” How can you get excited about a plan that bids fair to further enrich insurance companies while doing very little to help the uninsured, or the small business that are getting killed by health care costs.

Still, hope flickers, if only fitfully.

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