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Category Archives: Dysfunction

A terrible problem facing us

I think this person is on to something: The world is a dangerous place, which is why civilians have depended time and time again on the police force to keep themselves safe. However, in these dark times, it seems police who choose to break the law are in grave danger of facing repercussions for their […]

How stupid do you have to be to teach at Harvard Law?

This is truly bizarre. A Harvard Law Professor is representing a couple of presidential electors who claim that they should be free to vote for anyone they want, despite state laws requiring them to vote for the candidate for whom they pledged to vote when they got on the ballot in the first place. But, […]

Sometimes I think they do it on purpose!

Yesterday Mike Pence made a jackass out of himself by going to the Mayo Clinic and refusing to wear a mask. Naturally, every sane person in the country piled on. His initial excuse was that he was tested regularly, so he is exempt from wearing a mask, and is free to shake hands and do […]

A look ahead, revisited

One of my readers (my only reader?) emailed to ask me if, in light of the Trump amplified corona virus, my predictions for the years ahead had changed since this New Year’s day post. Inasmuch as I find that commenting on the daily events, all of which seem so predictable that any intelligent comment seems too […]

Acceptable risks

What is it about American election officials? Are they all corrupt, or are they simply incapable of seeing the obvious. Check this out: Voatz, a mobile voting app that’s already been used in several elections in the United States, has more than a dozen critical security flaws, according to a newly released audit. The audit also […]

Another brick in the wall

Why am I totally not surprised by this: ’Sloppy’ Mobile Voting App Used in Four States Has ‘Elementary’ Security Flaws MIT researchers say an attacker could intercept and alter votes, while making voters think their votes have been cast correctly, or trick the votes server into accepting connections from an attacker. A mobile voting app being […]

A look ahead

A few days ago I said I’d soon be putting up my predictions for the coming year, but due to the fact that the mathematically innumerate continue to claim we begin a new decade this year, I’ve decided to stretch things a bit, and look even farther into what I fear will be our dystopian […]

Reading tea leaves

Some good news today. Sort of. An appeals court voted 2 to 1 that Congress has the right to get Trump’s financial information. Is it a surprise that the 1 was appointed by a certain very stable genius? That single vote is probably the real news, though it will be overlooked for the most part. Before […]

Utterly delusional

We can all agree that the present occupant of the White House is seriously mentally ill, and that he suffers from a mental illness that puts the rest of us at risk. But what does it say about the state of our nation that his possible (we can only hope) successor is also mentally ill, […]

Put this kid on the Supreme Court NOW!

Why waste time? He can get his law degree later. And it’s criminal that the judge, who was perceptive enough to see that the kid has a future, was criticized for his acuity. The 16-year-old girl was visibly intoxicated, her speech slurred, when a drunk 16-year-old boy sexually assaulted her in a dark basement during an alcohol-fueled […]