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Category Archives: Impeachable

Treason this week, forgotten next week

The reaction to Trump’s press conference with Putin was so negative that even the folks at Fox joined in the initial wave of disgust, though over the course of the next few days they’ll surely come around. Still, it is not every day that a former director of the CIA accuses a sitting President of treason. […]

Quit meets quo

Yesterday I vowed to do better in cataloging the genius’s criminality, and like manna from heaven, here’s proof of yet another impeachable offense. When the genius tweeted that he was going to help save thousands of Chinesejobs, it set all our spider senses tingling, didn’t it? You just knew there was some sort of corruption involved. The […]

A mea culpa

I get very few comments, and I just found out that some comments are being blocked, for reasons I can’t fathom, as it is none of my doing. Anyway, in the course of trying to figure out what I could do about this (and I couldn’t figure it out) I came across a months old […]


This is interesting. Over the last several weeks I’ve read a number of articles in which the writer asserted rather blandly that a president was immune from criminal prosecution. There is usually no caveat, even to the extent of noting that perhaps a president could be prosecuted once he or she had left office. One […]

Watergate Memories

There have been a lot of Watergate comparisons lately, and I’m going to join in. One thing I haven’t seen noted, although I don’t see everything, is the fact that both Watergate and Russiagate are election related scandals, each driven by the desire to steal an election. The difference between them is that Watergate was […]

Nothing new under the sun

This Russia stuff got me thinking, and it occurred to me that backdoor election related dealing between Republicans and our ostensible rivals may not be an invention of the Trumpers. There is a rather strong argument to be made that the Reagan campaign engaged in some slippery dealings with Iran during the 1980 election campaign. […]

Ho-Hum, Yet another impeachable offense

When I began this feature I figured it would be manageable. My objective was to catalogue each impeachable offense so that it might be a handy resource for anyone who didn’t keep track. I figured maybe one offense a week, which would be totally manageable. Before I go on, and for the record, firing Comey […]

A prediction

I just heard that Trump fired Comey. I can still recall the night of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Nixon fired his Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General when they refused to help him cover up Watergate. I still remember an alarmed John Chancellor, of CBS (I think it was CBS) emphasizing that “nothing like […]

Blumenthal doing good work

Give Dick Blumenthal a big round of applause: Although some pessimistic Donald Trump haters are certain he’ll remain in office until the bitter end no matter how tough things get for him, his own track record suggests the opposite. Trump has shown a consistent willingness to quit once he concludes he can’t win, having strategically […]

Duly noted

Impeachable offense #I’ve stopped counting. Actually, he commits one every morning when he wakes up, but this one is particularly blatant. Emoluments, anyone? For 12 weekends in a row, Donald Trump has spent time at a Donald Trump-owned or managed property in what has to be a financial boon for the Trump family. Of course, everywhere Donald Trump […]