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A mea culpa

I get very few comments, and I just found out that some comments are being blocked, for reasons I can’t fathom, as it is none of my doing. Anyway, in the course of trying to figure out what I could do about this (and I couldn’t figure it out) I came across a months old comment from a friend of mine (the very one who is now mysteriously blocked), who took me to task for failing to deliver on my promise to catalog the impeachable offenses of the individual who was sworn in as president of the United States in 2017. 

He’s right.

In my own defense, I can only plead that the impeachable offenses have been coming so fast and furious that no one can track them all, at least if he has a day job, and I still do. I mean, the man gets up in the morning, tweets a confession to an impeachable offense that we were’nt quite sure about the night before, and then commits a few more offenses in the course of the day. By the time I’ve gotten home from work, the list is a mile long and every blog and newspaper in the land has already moved on waiting for the next shoe to drop. Half the time, I feel like there’s no point writing about the morning’s crime, because it’s old news by the time I have a spare moment and no one is talking about it anymore.

And that, perhaps, is the genius of the very stable genius. He has all but normalized habitual lying, criminality and corruption. Once again, this brings to mind a shocked John Chancellor, reporting on the Saturday Night Massacre, saying over and over again with a stunned look on his face: “Nothing like this has ever happened before”. Perhaps it’s a measure of the decline in quality of television journalists, but if words to that effect ever pass through the lips of television reporters today, they’re likely to have a bored look on their face, since practically every day brings more destruction of our institutional norms. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing excuses, I am going to try to do better in the future. Just to check off a few of the obvious offenses, here’s a few impeachable offenses I don’t think I’ve specifically cited as such previously: conspiring with the Russians to subvert the electoral process; soliciting, through his “attorney”, Michael Cohen, cash for favorable governmental action; and continuing to obstruct justice by attempting to subvert the Mueller investigation. As to the second of those, there’s no direct proof yet, but you know he’s guilty, don’t you?

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