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Category Archives: Creeping Totalitarianism

Every allegation is a confession, part 1000

There’s probably not a single liberal type blogger who hasn’t commented about the fact that every time a Republican accuses a Democrat, or Democrats, of something heinous, it is a sure bet that it is something Republicans are already doing or planning to do. I suppose it’s possible that someone in the mainstream media, possibly […]

A challenge for Clarence

In most of the mainstream media coverage of the recent Supreme Court decision allowing a person who has never been asked to design a website for a gay couple to refuse to design a website for a gay couple, an obvious corollary to the court’s ruling is never mentioned. If I can refuse services to […]

Somewhat good news?

So, the Supreme Court has rejected the so called “independent state legislature” theory, , a legal argument so flimsy that in my law school days, had anyone attempted to make the argument in a constitutional law class, he or she would have failed. But, all is not lost for the fascists and racists pushing this […]

Bad Moons Rising

This article, discussing the ongoing pogrom in Israel, reminds us that we’re not the only country in which a fascist future is a real threat. It’s one of history’s ironies that Israel is far ahead of us on that front. Off the subject a bit: this is just one of many stories that the media […]

Two can play the censorship game

When I read recently that Florida was considering a law that would allow any single parent to require that a book be removed from a school library, it occurred to me that it hadn’t occurred to the Florida Fascists that both sides could play that game. Turns out there’s a similar law in Utah, requiring […]

Judicial Intellectual Dishonesty (Who would think!)

Just before he died at the hands of someone who should never have had a gun, John Lennon gave an interview to Playboy, in which he asserted that “everything is the opposite of what it is, isn’t it”. I won’t go into details on Lennon’s thinking or reasoning, but it looks like right wing judges […]

An upcoming challenge for the not so Supremes

It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court handles these cases if they make it to the highest court in the land: The ACLU is bringing a suit against Indiana’s regressive, sadistic abortion ban based on the fact that it infringes on the religious rights of anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the fantasy […]

Looking ahead to a Republican House Majority

I have read in multiple places that the Fascist Party has promised to spend the next two years avoiding doing anything that might benefit the citizenry, while engaging in fake investigations of Biden, his son Hunter, and even of Dr. Fauci. The hypocrisy is of course, mind-numbing, given that they will also shut down Congressional […]

The Supreme Court: “See, we’re impartial!”

It’s entirely possible that I’m repeating something I’ve written before, but Driftglass, one of my favorite bloggers, does that all the time, so I will proceed. It came as no surprise to me that the Supreme Court told Lindsay Graham to pound sand when he asked them to protect him from testifying in Georgia about […]

One cheer for the 11th Circuit

Back at the end of 2019 I made some New Year’s predictions. One of them was to the effect that after he lost the election, Trump would vanish down the memory hole into which George Bush had leaped (or was shoved) in 2009. I was wrong, as Trump insisted on being worshipped, and the Republican […]