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Gerrymandering 2.0

Apparently the Texas Republican Party sees trouble coming down the road, so it has decided to make it impossible for the majority of Texans to elect a statewide officer:

Republican Party of Texas delegates voted Saturday on a platform that called for new laws to require the Bible to be taught in public schools and a constitutional amendment that would require statewide elected leaders to win the popular vote in a majority of Texas counties.

Other proposed planks of the 50-page platform included proclamations that “abortion is not healthcare it is homicide”; that gender-transition treatment for children is “child abuse”; calls to reverse recent name changes to military bases and “publicly honor the southern heroes”; support for declaring gold and silver as legal tender; and demands that the U.S. government disclose “all pertinent information and knowledge” of UFOs.

Original article here.

I included the second paragraph just to further enlighten any reader about just how fascistic the Republican Party has become.

In the olden days the Supreme Court announced the principle of “one person one vote”, a principle which, if applied to the Texas Republican’s proposal, would render it unconstitutional. But there is now, I’m sure, an extension of that principle. Perhaps Sam Alito will quote George Orwell this time, and announce that while all people are equal, some are more equal than others, those some being those inclined to vote for Republicans. We can be sure that a similar law in a mostly blue state would be unconstitutional since it would infringe the rights of those that are more equal than others.

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