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Category Archives: Creeping Totalitarianism

Sycophants explained

One of my Drinking Liberally friends has it in his head that I’m always wrong, but I disagree strongly. However, I’m sometimes wrong, and it’s time for me to confess a major blunder. Back around December of 2019 I predicted that Biden would win the presidency. I was right about that. But I was wrong […]

An easy prediction

It seems that the guy who stole his own election, Brian Kemp, has just allowed as the recently passed Georgia Voter Suppression Act “has nothing to do with potential fraud”. The writer at Crooks and Liars makes what should be a reasonable observation that those words might come back to haunt Kemp as the lawsuits […]

The Pillow Man Speaks

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, says the Supreme Court is going to put the genius back in office by July. He has inside information, he says, quite likely of the same quality as the information he claims to have about the voting machine companies. The Pillow Man, along with all the other things he doesn’t […]

Expect More of This

Everyone is aware that the Republican Party is in the grip of religious fundamentalists, but over the next few years we will become ever more aware that it, and as a result the nation, is now in the grip of legal fundamentalists, judges who are intent on reviving once thought dead constitutional jurisprudence in order […]

Somebody better investigate soon

This post at Hullabaloo is well worth reading. It relates the impressions of the Capitol Hill insurrection of historian Terry Bouton, who has attended multiple Washington demonstrations as an observer. His observations about the demographic makeup of the crowd are enlightening, but most interesting are his observations about the security: There is no doubt the […]

The court has spoken

To no one’s great surprise,the Supreme Court has rejected the ridiculous suit in which some 17 Republican Attorney Generals, 120 plus Republican Congressmembers, and two fictitious states sought to cast aside the votes of millions of Americans. Contradictions were rife, including the fact that they sought a ruling that voting procedures should be declared unconstitutional […]

Democrats playing the long game? If only.

Anyone who has spent time reading this blog knows that I get a lot of my news from other left wing blogs or internet sites. One often needs to exercise a fair amount of judgment reading these sites. The facts are usually accurate but the spin put on those facts is often suspect. One such […]

Our little Hitler

Not much time for blogging these days. I am the treasurer of our local town committee, and it’s been a busy time, as I have to account for the multiple donations people are making in exchange for Biden signs, which are going like hotcakes. There’s a lot of frightened people out there, and they’re doing […]

One thing to expect

I don’t think there is any doubt but that the Republicans are planning to steal the 2020 election. If they succeed, my guess it will be done so that it is plain sight, but nonetheless deniable enough to pass muster in the present partisan Supreme Court. It will be the end of our constitutional system […]

It’s perfectly normal when the right does it

We often read about both siderism in our media: the insistence by the punditocracy and many reporters that both sides are equally responsible for the rot in our political system. But there’s often something more pernicious going on: an absurd emphasis on something when one political party does it (that would be the party beginning […]