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Monthly Archives: October 2007

Pearl Jam Concert

One suggested by my son, and one I thought of myself. Guess which is which. First up, Evolution: [youtube][/youtube] Next, Masters of War: [youtube][/youtube]

Gore wins the Peace Prize

The best person elected president this century won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Well deserved. I must admit that when Gore first ran for President in 1988 I was agin him, primarily because of Tipper’s ill advised attacks on rock ‘n roll. Right now, I can’t think of anyone who would make a better president. […]

A great newspaper slowly dies

It was a sad day when the Hartford Courant was purchased by the Los Angeles Times empire, but a sadder day still, apparently, when the Times sold itself a few months back. These things happen gradually, but it has lately dawned on me that this once proud paper, the oldest in the nation, is descending […]

Joe Courtney explains his vote

A few weeks ago I expressed my disappointment about Joe Courtney’s vote to condemn Moveon. My wife wrote to his office about it, and today received an email response, which I assume is Joe’s boilerplate response to everyone who wrote. To his credit, he goes to great lengths to establish his anti-war bonafides. But that’s […]

It’s great if the Sox succeed, it’s sufficient that the Yankees fail

When my now grown up son was very small, he had a record (yes, that’s right, one of those black things) containing a “Master’s of the Universe” story, which for a relatively long period of time we heard on a more than daily basis. The good guy was He-Man and the bad guy was Skeletor. […]

Democrats desperately seeking way to lose in 2008

A good argument can be made that the Democrats lost their Senate majority in 2002, not because they backed the proposed Iraq war too weakly, but because they backed it too much, thus dampening their own turnout. As I recall, not a single Democrat that voted against the war (except in the case of Maloney […]

Holiday Shakespeare

It so happens I’m reading a book about Shakespeare. The general subject coming up, it chanced that my brother-in-law, who’s visiting with us, and is a former English teacher, told me about this Youtube video, of a performance of an excerpt from the Midsummer’s Nights Dream, by a certain well known quartet. Most of the […]

The Times to American Workers: Suck it up, Wal-Mart needs cheap goods

The Editors of the Time are encouraging Democrats to heed the sages in their midst, who are telling them that they simply must approve free trade agreements with Peru, Panama and Columbia (Democrats Talk Sense to Democrats). The Times throws in South Korea for good measure. It is, of course, conventional wisdom among the wise […]

Random notes on Republicans

Isn’t there an old saw about things coming in threes? If that’s the case, there’s one more Republican about to be exposed for playing footsie in a men’s room somewhere. Hypocrite number two is small game compared to Craig (via Talking Points), but he just proves that the party is infested from top to bottom. […]

I called it

This has not been such a great week in my actual professional life. You have your up weeks and your down, and this one has been a downer. So it was nice to learn from a commenter to this post on the Mel Thompson lawsuit that I got it mostly right in my analysis of […]