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Random notes on Republicans

Isn’t there an old saw about things coming in threes? If that’s the case, there’s one more Republican about to be exposed for playing footsie in a men’s room somewhere. Hypocrite number two is small game compared to Craig (via Talking Points), but he just proves that the party is infested from top to bottom.

Joey DiFatta, St. Bernard Parish Councilman and until-today candidate for state senate, had a novel approach to getting ahead of the story. Hours before the revelations appeared in the Times-Picayune, he called local reporters to announce that he would withdraw from the senate contest because he had “been having chest pains for a few weeks and … might have had a minor heart attack in the past few days.”

Once incident in 1996 involved watching “a man use the bathroom while peering throguh a hole in a bathroom stall.” The man subsequently detained the sizable DiFatta until police arrived. In 2000, an effort at a foreshadowing homage to the work of Sen. Craig was misinterpreted as an effort to engage in public bathroom sex …

Jefferson Parish deputies working an undercover detail in a men’s bathroom at Dillard’s at Lakeside Shopping Center in March 2000 stopped DiFatta after he indicated a desire to engage in sex with an undercover deputy in an adjoining bathroom stall, according to an interoffice memorandum written by Sgt. Keith Conley, one of the deputies involved in the investigation.

The report said DiFatta slid his foot into the deputy’s stall and tapped the deputy’s foot. In the report, Conley noted that such activity is common among men to indicate a willingness to participate in sex.

I’ll spare you the rest of the mating ritual. Suffice it to say that it all sounds quite familiar. I can’t help but think that some enterprising psychologist or psychiatrist could make a bundle by explaining this particular brand of right wing hypocrisy to the rest of us. What psychological processes drives these guys to such heights of hypocrisy, and what drives them to court exposure the way they do?

Meanwhile, Dr. S at Redsoxville reports that John McCain’s hitherto flagging campaign is reportedly showing signs of life in New Hampshire. I suspect we may see a lot of ups and downs in the Republican race. There’s a lot of approach-avoidance going on in that camp. Everytime someone is up, his failings become so obvious that folks start looking elsewhere. The front tier candidates on the R side are all deeply flawed people. True, they’re all first rate hypocrites, but hypocrisy alone doesn’t win elections anymore.

By the way, for those who might be fans of the Evil (baseball) Empire, I encourage you to visit Redsoxville anyway. My impression is that it started as a baseball blog, but has morphed into a political blog. There are seven posts on my RSS feeder as I write, with not one about baseball, despite the fact that the standard bearers for truth, justice and the real American way are in the playoffs battling the Angels.

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