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Daily Archives: January 13th, 2008

Silly me

A few days ago I wrote a post implying that Bank of America was committing yet another subprime folly in buying Countrywide. Turns out nothing could be further from the truth. As John Aravosis points out at Americablog, it’s all just a clever way of getting the American taxpayer to subsidize the losses. The trick […]

Petty vindication (of a sort)

Recently I was properly taken to task for mangling the phrase “Hoist by his/her/their own petard”, since I used the word “hung” instead. I replied rather lamely that I did in fact know that the term was “hoist”, and couldn’t explain my lapse. Did anyone believe me? Well, while recently reviewing my old posts for […]


In response to overwhelming demand (one commenter, with whom my wife agreed) I am going to create a new category, entitled “Music”, to which I will retroactively assign the Friday night music series. It may take a while, but I’ll do it as quickly as my schedule allows.


Today the Public Editor of the Times does what he does best, cover for the Times, if only half heartedly. This time for it’s choice of Bill Kristol as a columnist. Subtitle on the RSS Feed: Is hiring William Kristol the worst idea ever? I can think of many worse. So could I. The overriding […]