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Daily Archives: April 11th, 2008

Sullivan trashes Simmons (implicitly in any event)

wtfdnucsailor (who I assume is from Waterford) reports at Connecticut Local Politics that my friend Sean Sullivan has attacked Joe Courtney, who has been in Congress a little over a year, because we are not currently building two subs a year in Groton. As the sailor from Waterford points out: I am not sure what […]

Friday Night Music-REM

I’m too impressionable. These guys were on Colbert last week, so I figured next chance I got, I’d put them up. [youtube][/youtube]

What we’re up against, part 2 of …

This is the most absurd anti-Democrat spin I’ve heard of to date: Now they’re making up weird new rules as they go along. Here’s the money quote from the video: And it’s just one of those sort of weird things. You know, when the owner of the diner says, “Here, have some coffee,” you say, […]