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Monthly Archives: July 2008

Dem Picnic Tomorrow

Better late than never, I guess. I forgot to post about this earlier in the week, what with one thing and another going on in my life. Tomorrow from Noon to 3:00 PM the Groton Democratics will be having a picnic at Spicer Park in Noank. The suggested donation is $20.00. The basics will be […]

Back to First Principles

John McCain is building his entire campaign around the “surge”, which he claims to have created himself, and which, according to him, has brought, or will bring, peace and prosperity to Iraq. In the process of promoting the “surge” he has misrepresented its origin, its purpose and its results. Juan Cole has an excellent post […]

Scam on the right

It is a truism that a sucker is born every minute. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it doesn’t matter to scam artists as long as a reasonably high number of people are reliably gullible. It appears that the right wing suckers among us are getting fleeced with regularity. Here’s the facts: […]

Public service announcement

A friend and neighbor has asked me to remind my readers that Glen Beck is an a**hole.

But John Hagee likes him

Via Atrios, from the Huffington Post: If Barack Obama has a problem among Jewish voters, then Sen. Joseph Lieberman is in monumental trouble. Among the most high-profile Jews in Congress, Lieberman is viewed far more unfavorably than the presumptive Democratic nominee, according to a new poll. Only 37 percent of Jews view the Connecticut Independent […]

Straight talk


African reunion

This may be a hoax, it seems so unbelievable. But I prefer to believe it. [youtube][/youtube]

Half right

Obama, against all odds, appears to be winning (at least for the moment) the debate about Iraq. This is mainly because al-Maliki is no fool, and like the rest of the world, he is not interested in another four years of George Bush, brought to you by an increasingly befuddled McCain. But we here have […]

McCain whines foul

The McCain campaign is all a-twitter because the New York Times has rejected an op-ed piece he submitted (does anyone believe he actually wrote it?) as a response to Barack Obama’s recent op-ed. There may be a bit of payback on the part of the Times (which was iced out of the great medical records […]

Kudos to the Day

Of the three major newspapers in the country (Washington Post, NY Times, and LA Times) only the Los Angeles paper gave front page coverage to the fact that Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki supports Obama’s pullout plan. (The US government apparently pressured the Iraqis to step away from full throated support, but the disclaimer is not […]