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Daily Archives: July 3rd, 2008

Second thoughts from a founding father

Another successful meeting of Drinking Liberally

I’ve been living in this area for many years, but this is the first time I’ve found myself strolling on Bank Street late on a summer night. It was with some trepidation that I stepped into the street to cross it, as there was a gang of motorcyclists, lined up and revving their engines looking […]

Bush Legacy Tour coming to a town near you.

I hadn’t heard of this before. The following announcement arrived in my email today: Washington D.C. – In what supporters of the President have dubbed his “legacy year,” Americans United for Change, the progressive issue-advocacy group best known for leading the successful fight to beat back President Bush’s effort to privatize Social Security in 2005, […]

When corporations battle, we lose.

Verizon is currently suing Google/youtube, claiming that youtube has committed sundry acts of copyright infringement. Recently, a judge ruled that youtube’s source code was a trade secret, and youtube did not have to hand it over to Verizon in connection with the lawsuit. But the same judge ruled that youtube had to hand over 12 […]