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Monthly Archives: July 2008

Exploit me next, please!

From Frank Rich’s column in Today’s Times: Just two weeks before publicly sharing his thoughts about America’s “mental recession,” Mr. Gramm laid out equally incendiary views in a Wall Street Journal profile that portrayed him as “almost certainly” the McCain choice for Treasury secretary. Mr. Gramm said that the former chief executive of AT&T, Ed […]

Weekend pics

A few pictures from here and yon. A couple of shots from the Art on Groton Bank show. My wife bought a very small painting from the artist at this booth (a steal at $5.00). Yes, that’s Neil Young at the lower left. One of the younger artists concentrated on pictures inspired by the Transformers. […]

George Bush hearts Schrödinger’s cat.

I enjoy reading books about physics. I don’t pretend to clearly understand all of the paradoxes that have been introduced into modern physics, but I feel that, at least while I’m reading about them, I can sidle up to a sort of understanding. We are not hard wired to understand these things, so they’re counterintuitive. […]

Friday Night Music-Cream

Thanks to a commenter for suggesting this. It lightened my workload tonight, and you can’t go wrong with Cream. From their Farewell Concert, 1968 edition. [youtube][/youtube]

How far a fall

The day that I started work at my law firm we inherited a case involving the New Haven Register. Since I had just started, and had nothing else to do, I carried a briefcase for the senior partner working on the case, on which we made a lot of money. At that time, the Register […]

Art on Groton Bank returns

Actually, I forgot to mention the first show in June. Audrey Heard sent a press release, from which the following is excerpted: ART ON GROTON BANK will hold its second event of its second year at the Bill Memorial Library at 240 Monument Street in Groton City on July 19, 2008 from 10:00 AM to […]

Light posting

On Monday the Charter Revision Commission voted to send the proposed Charter on to the Town Council, along with a report that describes the changes we proposed. The folks who supported the referendum are writing a minority report. Since our original report does not address the referendum issue, and the minority report will only address […]

More on the New Yorker

It has been interesting to see who has been closing ranks around the New Yorker. Jon Stewart, yes. Steven Colbert, not quite. Tom Tomorrow couldn’t quite see that his own brand of satire takes clearer aim at its intended target than did the New Yorker. Rubin Bolling, on the other hand, seemed to see the […]

Not so bright, and proud of it


The New York Times is a “Far Left” Paper. Who would have thought it

Recently the New York Times reported on the dismay some of us have felt at Obama’s change of position on FISA. The article is titled Obama Supporters on the Far Left Cry Foul. The question immediately arises: why is opposition to gutting the Fourth Amendment a “Far Left” position. And if it is, shouldn’t the […]