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Monthly Archives: September 2008

Courtney Fund Raiser

A little diversion as we contemplate the prospect of Congress giving Henry Paulson, a creature of Wall Street, unfettered power to help out his Wall Street buddies. Our own Congressman, who it would be nice to hope would resist the pressure to back this Christmas present to the greedy, is having a fundraiser here in […]

Doomed to repeat

The full quote is “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. That aphorism should be much on the mind of folks like Chris Dodd. Here is the history. The Bush Administration screws something up big time or is caught breaking the law. Its response is to ask Congress to give it […]

Compare and Contrast, take 2

From the Jed Report. [youtube][/youtube]

Beat that horse!

Yet another study debunking the idea that the “surge” was the main cause of the reduction in violence in Iraq. The reason, in a nutshell, is that the “ethnic cleansing” (that’s euphemism for genocide) has done it’s work, and there’s not that many people left to kill. Unfortunately, this explanation for the decreased violence, as […]

Local Plug

If you look at the roll of Connecticut Blogs on the right, you may notice a new entry. The Town of Groton has a Groton Town Hall Centennial Blog. Yes, that’s right, our town hall is 100 years old this year. As I understand it, the Town Hall was donated to the town by Morton […]

Friday Night Music-The Kinks

So far as I can see, I haven’t put up the Kinks before, which is par for the course. For some reason, this band always seems to get short shrift, though by rights they should be ranked up there with the Beatles and the Stones. Couldn’t decide, so a double feature tonight: Early Kinks, You […]

Mere Gross Incompetence is not news

While we are all concentrating on the coming Depression, an echo of times passed goes virtually unnoticed. While FEMA’s response to Ike is not the total disaster that was its response to Katrina, it has hardly reached genuine “heckuva job” levels. FEMA has avoided failure in some areas by essentially outsourcing its responsibilities to the […]

Protecting retirement

Two videos for your edification. One in which Chris Matthews takes Congressman Eric Kantor (R) to the woodshed, and one in which ABC exposes McCain’s hypocrisy on economic issues. I’m posting them just for fun, but also to point out that in both, these Republicans argue about the fact that they are trying to save […]

The meltdown continues

When I arrived home today I grabbed the front section of the New York Times, one of several that had been delivered while we were gone. I had already read part of the Times Reader edition this morning, so I quickly realized I was reading yesterday’s paper, and I was struck by how quickly the […]

Phil Gramm, visionary creator of a coming depression.

As I pointed out recently, I first wrote about “credit default swaps” in February, after becoming convinced that, though I don’t completely understand them (and maybe nobody does), that they are a bad thing indeed. In the post to which I’ve linked I noted that AIG, the big financial player that is probably going to […]