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Monthly Archives: October 2009

Simmons Unhinged

via Think Progress:

Ted Mann puts a dent in Rell’s armor

Fair’s fair. I’m a frequent critic of the New London Day, but there are times when the Day pulls through. Ted Mann’s series of articles (most recent here) about Jodi Rell’s misuse of state funds is a case in point. It’s been amusing to watch as the governor shifts her lines of defense after each […]

Preserving Governmental Secrecy

It was inevitable that Obama would disappoint on a number of fronts. Anyone running on a message of hope is inviting people to see what they want to see, rather than what’s there. Even where Obama told the truth about his intentions, as with the so far terrible policy in Afghanistan, lots of folks preferred […]

Musical Stairs

This is only tangentially political, more a lesson in applied psychology mixed with whimsy. Some Swedes discover a non coercive way to entice people to use the stairs rather than the escalator. The Fun Theory. That could never make it here.

Same as it ever was

Frank Rich is a former theater critic and not a former “serious” journalist, so it’s not surprising that he is almost alone (add Paul Krugman) among the mainstream media writers who can’t quite understand why the Beltway elite insists on giving folks like John McCain almost unlimited exposure. The bloggers have beaten this drum forever, […]

Zero Thought Policy

The New York Times features a front page story about a six year old kid who was given a 45 day suspension for bringing his boy scout “knife” (a combination spoon, fork and knife) to school. The cases is emblematic of a national movement toward zero tolerance policies, usually regarding weapons and drugs (including alcohol). […]

Sunday Sermon-All Hail George Orwell, the true prophet

The good folks at Conservapedia (can’t won’t find a link for some reason, maybe it’s my liberal bias) have launched an effort to purge the Bible of its liberal bias, a bias injected, so to speak, by years of faulty translations by liberals like the guys working for King James. This is a good thing, […]

Friday Night Music-The Righteous Brothers

I don’t think I’ve done them before. Unfortunately, there are no good video non lip synched versions of You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling, one of the great songs of all time. My wife tells me that this song, Unchained Melody, is one of the great slow dance songs (I was far too nerdly to dance, […]

President Not-George Bush Wins Nobel Peace Prize!

That sound you hear is the wails of a million right wingers. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth on Fox today. And indeed, the fact is that Obama has done precious little to earn the Nobel Peace Prize, other than not being George Bush. The Nobel committee might more rightly have given […]

A Bold Movement: Demand that Democrats be Democrats

It’s sad when grassroots Democrats have to petition the Democratic Majority Leader to put pressure on Democrats not to join filibusters against Democrats. It’s sadder still when one of the leading “Democrats” likely to join such a filibuster is the junior senator from our state, but that’s the way it is. Rachel Maddow explains: The […]