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Daily Archives: March 23rd, 2010

For the record

Several publicity hungry attorneys general have filed suit to have the Health Care bill, or portions thereof, declared unconstitutional. They are using the same overheated rhetoric that the Republican Congresspersons and Senators used. To us sane people, particularly us sane lawyers, the idea that this mild mannered health care bill is an “unprecedented expansion of […]

Who wrote these rules?

Republicans are shutting down the Senate to protest the Health Care bill. There’s a rule that says you need unanimous consent to hold hearings after 2:00 PM. Why would anyone have proposed such a rule? Why would anyone have voted for it? It’s really time for the Democrats to turn the “nuclear option” tables on […]

The Times incorrectly corrects itself

A few days ago I noted that the Times had once again stated as fact that James O’Keefe had posed as a pimp when he visited Acorn offices during his infamous “sting”. I pointed out that that “fact”, along with many of the other “facts” stated about this event have long since been disproven. Today, […]