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Daily Archives: April 10th, 2010

So many liars, so little time

A few minutes ago one of my wife’s friends forwarded an email to her filled with what appeared to be ludicrous claims about the cap and trade bill. Among the obvious whoppers: Beginning one year after enactment of the Cap and Trade Act, you won’t be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it […]

Ipad-First Impressions

This is a bit late of course. The Ipad is so last week. Mine arrived with the first batch delivered, but I was away so I didn’t get to play with it until yesterday. It’s not an original observation, but I’ll make it anyway: it’s great at providing content, but the jury is still out […]

A few pictures from our Nation’s Capital

Some picture taken Thursday, the one full day we spent in DC. Since pretty much everyone has seen the major landmarks, I’ll stay away from those, and in fact, we stayed away from the physically as well. We went to the Natural History Museum to see what turned out to be rather disappointing exhibit on […]

Ted Mann does it again

Best reporter in the state.

Confederate History Month

Now I know how John Stewart or Stephen Colbert must feel when all kinds of crazy things happen while they’re on vacation. Of course, politics being what they are in this nation, at this time, just about any week you pick is chock full of events proving beyond doubt that we are a nation infested […]