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Monthly Archives: June 2010

Saturday trip

Yesterday my wife and I had a dinner date in Glastonbury, and we decided to leave extra early and wander around in the Chester area. We left while the weather was fairly good, but by the time we got half way there we encountered torrential rains, which sort of put a damper on the project. […]

Blumental Fundraiser Next Week

I’ve attached a copy of a flier I received regarding a fundraiser being held here in Groton for Dick Blumenthal at 35 Beach Pond Road. The event is scheduled for Sunday, June 20th at 1:00 PM. This is the first time I can recall that Blumenthal has come to Groton for an event centered around […]

Friday Night Music

I had something else lined up for tonight, but I read in the Times today that Crispian St. Peters died recently, so I changed my plans. He had precisely one hit here in the States, and truth to tell, it was not such a great song, but it’s one of those tunes that sticks with […]

Good news, sort of

Well, according to the Treasury, we taxpayers have now been fully repaid for all those Tarp loans. But it’s important to note that those loans were basically interest free, and in fact the banks made money on them. How? Well, the interest the Treasury charged was so low as to be non-existent, so the banks […]


Seems that Carly Fiorina dissed Barbara Boxer’s hairstyle, which trivial incident is worthy of a front page article in the New York Times, which appears dedicated to the proposition that the incident is both totally trivial and monumentally important. Personally, trivial or not, I hope it hurts Fiorina, but I’m a partisan hack. What I […]

BP offers a deal

I was just watching Countdown and, in typical breathless Olbermann fashion, they were reporting on a proposed “deal” whereby BP would agree not to pay a dividend if, somehow, the federal government turned down the rhetorical heat. This is apparently BP’s idea, and it is reported that it is unlikely to fly. Apparently the new […]

News Flash: Senate does not do something crazy

Some good news out of Washington, sort of. The Senate beat back an attempt by Lisa Murkowski, the person who only appears sane when contrasted with her nemesis, Sarah Palin, to deprive the EPA of the right to regulate greenhouse gasses. Had the resolution passed, presuming it would have had legal effect, it would have […]

Hypatia comes to the Silver Screen, but not here

I sometimes feel I’ve passed on too much from Pharyngula, but Myers has admitted that his readers tip him off to stories, a luxury I don’t enjoy, so I don’t feel too guilty. I had to comment on this because it involves one of my favorite historical figures. A Spanish director has made a movie […]

More bad news from the Gulf

Nowadays, one has to take anything the folks at FIredoglake have to say with a grain of salt. It’s a bit of a Jane Hamsher cult, and she seems to be a bit over the top in her criticisms of Obama. Even allowing for that, this post appears to be cogently argued. If it’s true, […]

Well, that’s better

Finally , someone does something right in Arizona. A few days ago I linked to a story about a school principal in an Arizona town that ordered the faces whitened on a mural. The mural depicted actual children in the school system. He did it in reaction to racist telephone calls he received, which were […]