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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Yet another petition

The Connecticut Democratic Committee has started a website (For all of you who have been frustrated by their official website, this is not a joke) taking aim at Linda McMahon’s bulk mailings, which have apparently been inundating mailboxes throughout the state. I say apparently, because my wife and I appear to have been exempted. We […]

Stupid or uninformed?

Currently David Vitter, a/k/a Diaper Man, is leading his Democratic opponent in the Louisiana Senate Race. One would think that a family values guy who frequents prostitutes would be having a tough go of it, but apparently his criminal activity hasn’t made much of a dent, either on the law enforcement community or with the […]

Texas does something right

Since I somewhat regularly bash the Southern states, bastions of ignorance that they are, it’s only fair that I make note of hopeful signs from that portion of our country that, generally speaking, keeps us in thrall to superstition. A federal court has upheld the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s decision to deny accreditation to […]

Congressional progressives take a pre-emptive stand

The Progressive Caucus is about to let President Obama know that they won’t co-operate if his phony deficit commission tries to gut social security: Democrats led by Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Raul Grijalva are drawing a line in the sand before the White House’s fiscal commission: If your report recommends cuts or other changes to […]

Another Southern Bumper Sticker

Personally vouched for by my brother in law: Embrace Violence

Incredible pictures

This has nothing to do with politics, or the many other subjects upon which I pontificate, but I just had to pass on some of the pictures posted at Why Evolution is True, by a photographer named Igor Siwanowicz. These are stunning examples of evolution producing animals or insects that mimic their surroundings. Here’s a […]

Friday Night Music-Labor Day

This post was partly inspired by Paul Krugman’s use of a youtube video of Al Jolson singing Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime, to which I made reference in a previous post. I decided to put together some labor themed songs. I find that I must break a number of my self imposed rules. I […]

A prescription for what ails us

My friend, Bob Roth, is not a serious person. He thinks we should do something to help the unemployed and, perhaps in the process, restore this country’s economic base. He doesn’t seem to care about those scary deficits. Not serious at all.

A bit of a conundrum

Apparently, girls now think they are smarter than boys. Oh, really? If they’re so smart, how come it took them so long to figure out something so obvious?

Well deserved

I am pleased to pass on the word that Mrs. CTBlue will be among the Ella Grasso Women’s Leadership Honorees honored at an awards breakfast on the 27th at the Aqua Turf restaurant in Plantville. (Why, do the folks from the interior think it’s appropriate to make us hicks get up at an ungodly hour […]