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Monthly Archives: November 2010

We have all been here before

Why do they even bother? The New York Times reports that Harry Reid is once again promising to bring DADT repeal to the Senate floor. Is there any sentient being out there who doesn’t already know that Reid will meekly forget the whole thing once the Republicans use their minority to block the bill? Is […]

A Musical Treat

Feeling depressed by the state of the world these days? Over 55? Head on over to Itunes and watch the Beatles Concert at the Washington Coliseum. Their first appearance on U.S. soil after the Sullivan show. It’s free, at least for now. You can’t watch it without feeling just a little better, albeit perhaps a […]

The next bailout foretold

Looks like we may have another bailout coming: Widespread problems in how U.S. lenders documented foreclosures could spark a wave of legal challenges resulting in massive losses to banks and serious new troubles for the housing market, a federal watchdog warned on Tuesday. … In the worst-case scenario, the panel said banks may be unable […]

The New York Times follows the Day’s lead

A while back I noted that the New London Day printed a story about some ghostbusters, without giving even a passing clause to the idea that, just possibly, there are no such things as ghosts. PZ Myers points out over at Pharyngula that the New York Times is apparently as credulous as the Day. The […]

Global Warming Myth Debunked

Since everything is evidence that global warming is a myth, I submit the following as exhibits, pictures of roses taken today in my wife’s garden. Some might argue that the existence of blooming Connecticut roses (and should the tiny little fellow in the second picture still be alive?) in November is more substantial evidence of […]

Friday Night Music, with lamentation

Several weeks ago I had a banner night free associating on youtube, and put a bunch of songs in reserve. I actually started with this one, which I sought out because I recently purchased the album, Manassas, and figured a cut from it would be a good choice. So here’s Steven Stills and the band […]

States rights vs Corporate Greed. The Supreme Court will decide.

Every once in a while a case comes along that reveals a lot about the Supreme Court’s priorities. Such a case was argued yesterday. The case pits states rights against corporate interest. Which will win? And should it even be close? The case involves a class action brought by a California couple who are suing […]

Call me paranoid, but…

Not that it really matters whether the establishment right wing crazy or the tea party right wing crazy wins the day in Alaska, but… I was intrigued by the fact that Joe Miller is making an interesting article in his federal lawsuit challenging the way ballots are counted in Alaska. He is claiming that any […]

Yet another example of IOKIYAR

Imagine this guy a Democrat and imagine the hyperventilation on Fox, aided and abetted by the rest of the media. But this will be little noted nor long remembered. n one of the Tea Party’s biggest victories, Florida’s Allen West defeated incumbent Democrat Ron Klein in a rematch of their 2008 race. West, an Army […]

Maher must be right

because he agrees completely with me. At one time or another, I’ve made every point that Maher makes in this video, which only goes to prove he’s a brilliant guy.