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We have all been here before

Why do they even bother?

The New York Times reports that Harry Reid is once again promising to bring DADT repeal to the Senate floor.

Is there any sentient being out there who doesn’t already know that Reid will meekly forget the whole thing once the Republicans use their minority to block the bill? Is there any sentient being who thinks that either Reid or Obama will put any pressure on the Republicans, or attempt to frame the debate in any way, shape or form to try to actually get the measure to a vote? Why even bother. They make such a pitiful gesture out of the whole thing that they just end up alienating the people they are supposedly trying to help, and reinforce the Republican’s confidence that they are calling the shots.

This is a bit like Charlie Brown telling everyone he sees that he just had a great idea: he’s going to ask Lucy to hold the football for him.

I’d much rather hear Reid say that he’s going to change the rules come January. We might as well face facts on DADT and just about everything else. The Democrats have successfully allowed the Republicans to call the shots. The best Obama can hope for in the next two years is to get his appointees and his judges confirmed, and he can’t do that unless the Senate changes its rules.

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