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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Bless me Father, I have sinned. And I know exactly how many times and when.

Finally, just what all Catholics have been waiting for: an Iphone app of their own. It’s Confession: A Roman Catholic App, which TUAW says “happens to be the first iOS app to receive an imprimatur, which is essentially a blessing from the church to publish the app.” This is a great idea, and it looks […]

Grifter Nation, local edition

Samuel Johnson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”, but surely he was wrong. It may be next but one, but surely, as Chuck Colson, John Rowland, and many others have proven, the very last refuge is religion. I submit that skipping patriotism, or at least skipping the money making side of […]

O’Reilly’s proof of god

Here’s a good take down of Bill O’Reilly’s “tide goes in, tide goes out” proof of the deity’s existence. According to Bill, the fact that the tides never miss a beat is proof that there must be a God, for after all, who can explain such wonderful regularity. As it turns out, lots of people. […]

Apple: rotten to the core?

My RSS feeds come in two basic flavors: politics and computers. The computer feeds are heavily concentrated on things Apple. I bought a Mac about seven years ago and have never looked back. Back then, Apple was still a relatively bit player in the computer world, and besides getting better technology and software, you could […]

America is a great country: Corporate Edition

One of Mel Brooks’ characters observed that “It’s good to be the King”. Well, in America, being the land of opportunity, you don’t need to be a king. Being a corporation will do. Besides being entitled to all the perks of personhood, courtesy of the Supreme Court, you get to get to game the system […]