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Monthly Archives: September 2011

Lazing away in Maine

I am writing this from a motel in Maine called the Norseman. Architecturally undistinguished it may be, but you can’t beat it for location; right on the beach in Ogunquit; where I spent the evening watching the moon go up. The only downside is the “free” internet is only randomly available. You can lose a […]

Friday Night Music

I don’t think I’ve posted Tina Turner before. If not, it’s a shameful oversight. If I have, well, she’s worth a repeat. Here she is with a guy named Ike, back in the early days. Believe it or not there are a lot of videos of Tina Turner and Mick Jagger singing together, and it’s […]

The choice in 2012, and all you need to know about tonight’s speech

We will have a choice between a candidate that wants to hand everything over to the banks and one who favors letting the rest of us get some crumbs off the table (knowing full well the other guys won’t let us have the crumbs, and knowing full well he won’t fight terribly hard to get […]

In Defense of the Founders

The latest print version (not yet on-line, so far as I could see) of the American Prospect contains an article titled Did the Founders Screw Up?, subtitled Why Presidential Democracy No Longer Works in America. This sent me burrowing through my Ipad to find a draft blog post that never made the cut (if you […]

Can we get rid of Obama?

My number two son refers his Facebook friends to Matt Stoller’s article at Salon, in which he urges the Democratic Party and its constituencies to start a conversation about ditching Obama. He puts the problem succinctly: If would be one thing if Obama were failing because he was too close to party orthodoxy. Yet his […]

An apostate speaks

Read this. As a friend of mine wrote, there’s little here that’s new (I’ve certainly made most of these points), but it’s all in one place, and from an insider from the other side. More proof, by the way, that the present day function of the Democratic party is to appear to oppose the Republicans.

Bill Maher on sexism

Bill Maher has a little fun with Sarah and Michelle: It’s truly amazing that this guy is on TV, even if you do have to pay to see him. To me, the most shocking thing was the number of times Sarah has graced the cover of Newsweek.

I’m not sure what she means

This comic cracked my wife up this morning. She says it reminds her of someone, but I can’t imagine who.

Friday Night Music

Before their unfortunate veer into disco, the one form of music that is not truly music, the Bee Gees were a decent enough group, featuring harmonies on reasonably decent songs. So, despite their sins, for which I’m sure they have since repented (having pocketed the boodle therefrom) they deserve their .15 seconds of fame on […]