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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Occupy Wall Street takes to the air

In Defense of Mitt

This is a fun article at the Washington Monthly about the fact that Mitt Romney is now flip flopping on whether he has flip flopped. Steven Benen asks if Mitt Romney has any core beliefs at all, to which he gives the obvious answer: Yes, that Mitt Romney should be president. But I come not […]

Socialism Works

You don’t have to take my word for it. From the New York Times, discussing the second pathetic response by CL&P here in Connecticut to a storm and the resultant power outage: There’s even a near-perfect model of how Connecticut Light and Power could have done the job better. Norwich, Conn., a city of 40,000, […]

Dog bites Man

I was absolute stunned when I read this headline in the Boston Globe (article culled by the Globe from the Washington Post): Big corporations use loopholes to dodge taxes, report says I simply can’t believe American corporations would do something like that. Shakes my faith in my fellow man.

Friday Night Music-The Hollies

Just returned from a pre-election get together/fundraiser at Groton headquarters, and have since been scrambling trying to find something to put up for this feature. I don’t think I’ve done the Hollies before, but who knows. I spent a bit of time researching to try to make sure that the lead singer on this version […]

Where’s Harry Truman when you need him?

A poll taken in Florida shows that 49% of the people there believe that Republicans are deliberately sabotaging the economy. This is an extraordinary statistic, because while this has been happening in plain sight, it has until very recently been considered impolite for our lords and masters who style themselves Democrats and/or pundits to take […]

Marie Antoinette would feel right at home here

I would urge everyone to read these two posts (here and here) at Hullabaloo. The first about the fact that what the occupy movement is all about is a pervasive sense of injustice: that the mass of people is being treated unfairly by financial and governmental elites. The second illustrates the utter cluelessness of those […]

The Heritage Foundation does not believe in the magic of the market

The Heritage Foundation has issued a report which concludes, in the words of the Laura Clawson at the Daily Kos, that public school teachers are overpaid and stupid. Her analysis stands on its own, but I can’t resist adding another observation. If one applies the free market principles that the Heritage Foundation always claims to […]