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Marie Antoinette would feel right at home here

I would urge everyone to read these two posts (here and here) at Hullabaloo. The first about the fact that what the occupy movement is all about is a pervasive sense of injustice: that the mass of people is being treated unfairly by financial and governmental elites.

The second illustrates the utter cluelessness of those elites, the immediate subject being billionaire Bloomberg’s dinner with a number of said elites to urge them to further screw the people who have borne the brunt of the devastation visited on this country by those very elites. It’s a cluelessness perhaps nicely, if optimistically, illustrated in this drawing that’s been hanging on my office wall for lo these many years.


I don’t know what a revolution would or could look like in this country, but I may soon find out. Needless to say, it wouldn’t end well. It’s often said that FDR saved capitalism from itself, and if not for his actions, so detested by the elites of his day, there would have been a revolution in this country in the thirties. There seems to be no one in this country’s political elite who understands the forces at work. Some fiddle while Rome burns, while others just add fuel to the fire.

The country is ripe for a demagogue who can give voice to the anger that is so pervasive. That’s to be feared, but it’s almost inevitable if our overlords continue to see our economic salvation as more tax cuts for the rich paid for by more suffering inflicted on everyone else. We’ve lucked out so far that the opposition party has disgorged only clowns and opportunists, all of whom are as clueless as the Bloombergians.

Speaking of Bloomberg, he appears to be getting increasingly tone deaf these days. Besides holding a swank dinner party to encourage the elites to impoverish the rest of us, he is repeating the oft debunked trope that it was Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and not the banks that caused the financial crisis.

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